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Pneumonia vs. pneumonitis, differences in symptoms, causes, and treatment

Pneumonia and pneumonitis are two serious respiratory infection

Multiple sclerosis vs. Parkinson’s disease, differences in symptoms, causes, and treatment

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune condition that affects

In multiple sclerosis, constipation is a common symptom

In multiple sclerosis (MS), constipation is a common symptom. A

White tongue causes, symptoms, and natural home remedies

If you ever have ever wondered what it means when your tongue

Lump in throat (globus sensation) warning signs, causes, and treatment

Lump in throat (globus sensation) is the feeling of having a m

Type 2 diabetes-related insulin resistance trigger identified by researchers

Insulin resistance trigger in type 2 diabetes has been identif

Hypothyroidism linked to diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetes, study

Hypothyroidism is linked to diabetic nephropathy in type 2 dia

Is pneumonia contagious? Types and symptoms of pneumonia

If you ever wondered whether pneumonia is contagious, we are he

The real lemonade provides awesome health benefits (more than the song)

You may have been hearing a lot about lemonade lately, which m

For women: Simple solution for the common aging problem

You sweat, you’re irritable, you’re anxious, and your body see

Kidney stones in women raise the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease (CHD)

Kidney stones in women raise the risk of stroke and coronary h

Simple trick boosts libido, improves sleep

What would you say if we suggested we knew of a simple way to

Fatty liver disease, NASH linked to a 50 percent higher mortality rate than NAFLD

Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is linked to a 50 percent

10 health benefits of drinking pomegranate juice

Getting all those seeds out of a pomegranate may seem like a lo

Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, recognizing IBS signs, triggers, and types

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms can occur at any time,

Juice cleanse health benefits, juicing diet recipes to detox your body at home

Juice cleanses can offer numerous health benefits, so if you’r

Coffee reduces risk of this serious health problem

You probably drink coffee numerous times a day for the caffein

Itchy armpits (itchy underarms) causes, symptoms, treatments, and home remedies

There are many reasons for someone to experience itchy underar

10 health benefits of drinking blueberry juice

Blueberry juice is a delicious beverage packed with health ben

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