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Type 2 diabetes risk increases with binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa

Bulimia nervosa, an eating disorder increases the risk of type

High blood pressure in pregnancy linked to family risk

Pregnancy can cause changes to your health, like morning sickne

High protein diet boosts cardiovascular health

According to the WHO (World Health Organization) and the CDC, h

Rheumatoid arthritis breakthrough: Gene regulating severity of tissue damage identified

Recently, there was a scientific breakthrough on the diagnosis

Alcoholic liver disease and vitamin A link found

New research has uncovered a link between alcoholic liver disea

Healthy aging blood test helps diagnose Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Researchers have uncovered a healthy aging blood test which hel

Depression in the elderly causes slower response to treatment

Antidepressant therapy may vary among the elderly with late-lif

Good cholesterol (HDL) levels affected by gut bacteria

A recent study shows that your good cholesterol level (HDL) is

Is the Paleo diet safe for diabetics?

Close to four million years ago cavemen roamed the planet and,

Eat this, boost energy

Our energy levels really set the tone for the day ahead. When w

Endive: Nutrition and health benefits

Leafy greens are a staple of healthy eating. Leafy greens are a

How low testosterone is affecting more than just intimacy

When we say the word testosterone, most people will automatica

Side effects of junk food

Time and time again we hail, praise and highly recommend health

New study reveals cytoprotective ability of certain bacteria

There are bacteria everywhere. In us, on us and around us. In f

Smartphones may help boost healthy choices

Findings from the American Heart Association (AHA) have uncover

Look for these items on a food label to boost health

Whether you are health conscious or not, food labels are design

Know about thyroid nodules/cysts

A thyroid nodule is a lump on the thyroid. The thyroid is locat

Liver Cirrhosis: Causes, symptoms and prevention

When we discuss liver diseases many of us immediately think of

Flax seeds: benefits and uses

For over 6,000 years humans have been consuming flax seeds. Dee

FDA: cilantro temporarily banned due to cyclosporiasis outbreak

A recent outbreak of cyclosporiasis in Canada and the U.S. is g

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