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Waiting to exhale: Breathing exercises for anxiety, asthma and more

Take it one breath at a time. Modern life is full of stress and

Health benefits of quinoa (keen-wah!)

The buzz surrounding quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) doesn’t seem

Aspartame vs. Sugar – Is One Any Better?

If you’re focused on weight loss, counting calories may be some

Health care don’t: Canola oil!

Cooking. Whether we love it or not, it’s something everyone has

‘Cool’ health foods to eat this summer

It’s hot, it’s humid and sticky! Sometimes the days of summer c

How regular exercise affects your mood

At some point in our lives, we’ve felt sad, stress, angry and s

Hypertensive retinopathy: Is your blood pressure stealing your vision?

Vision loss may seem like something that occurs naturally throu

9 Amazing benefits of chia seeds

In our busy lives it’s often hard to get all the nutrients our

Seniors: Eating disorders not just for teenagers

You see it all the time in the tabloids: Photos of almost skele

5 Natural ways to reduce belly fat

Can you pinch more than an inch around your middle? That flabby

Guava: The nutritional superfruit

One of the employees at Bel Marra Health just returned from a t

Power up: Drink coffee before your workout

Who doesn’t enjoy their morning cup of coffee to start their da

Know the causes and symptoms of binge eating disorder

We’ve all been tempted by second helpings of a favorite dish, o

Top 10 superfoods for spring

Daylight lasts longer and things are warming up. Spring makes y

COPD patients not receiving adequate treatment in U.S.: Recent study

Trouble breathing? Persistent cough or frequent chest infection

Best natural home remedies for stomach ulcers

Frequent stomach upset and nausea? Could be a stomach ulcer, al

10 Health benefits of drinking lime juice

Key lime pie and margaritas! If that’s all lime was used for it

Top 10 reasons to eat walnuts every day

This is it. I’m committed. I’m going to start eating walnuts ev

Nutritional facts and health benefits of watermelons

With the warmer weather approaching, we start to reach for fres

Sleep improves memory, helps repair brain damage and removes brain toxins

Sleep is an integral part of our health as it improves memory,

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