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Higher fatty liver disease risk in postmenopausal women with increased testosterone

Fatty liver disease risk is higher in postmenopausal women due

Osteoporosis and bone fractures risk: Role of type 1 and type 2 diabetes

Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the bones. Individuals

This beverage helps boost memory…

By the year 2030 it’s estimated that dementia cases will rise

For low back pain, early physical therapy shows modest pain relief benefit

Early physical therapy has shown to produce modest pain relief

Insomnia treatments and behavioral therapies to improve sleep

Insomnia – difficulty sleeping – can negatively impact a perso

Vasovagal syncope, common cause of fainting, prevented by sniffing and gasping

Vasovagal syncope is a common cause of fainting, yet until now

Lupus nephritis, kidney inflammation disease and role of systemic lupus erythematosus

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease fo

Sodium-potassium balance in diet critical in chronic kidney disease prevention

There are a number of chronic kidney disease risk factors, but

Vertigo, dizziness and imbalance in the elderly

Vertigo, dizziness, and imbalance are common occurrences among

Dementia risk higher in those with chronic conditions

Although the exact cause of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is

What your failing vision is really a sign of…

Many of us believe that the older we get, the more it is expect

Increasing good gut bacteria is easier with healthy food choices

For a healthy gut it all comes down to good gut flow and gut ba

Adult sleep disorders causing sleep deprivation health problems

Sleep is the foundation of many major bodily functions, unfortu

Insulin resistance and diabetes risk higher with lung disease

New research reveals that those with inflammation in the lung

Calcium supplements no good for bone density or fracture risk in seniors

Calcium supplements found to be unsuccessful in improving bone

Parkinson’s disease psychosis (PDP) treatment with antipsychotic drugs increase risk of death

Parkinson’s disease psychosis (PDP) treatment with antipsychoti

Common eye problems and diseases in aging adults

There are all kinds of changes that occur as the years pass, s

High fructose diet slows brain injury recovery, affects memory and learning

A diet high in fructose has been linked to weight gain for a lo

Sleep paralysis: Causes, symptoms and how to cope

Sleep paralysis can be a terrifying state of consciousness; not

One thing that could seriously be hurting your healthy diet

It seems hard to believe, but we make over 200 food-related dec

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