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I gain weight in my tummy, thighs and hips. What can I do?

It is common for women to store fat around the tummy, thighs and hips

20 ways to burn 100 calories in 10 minutes or less

Do you know that by burning just 100 calories (extra) per day y

Best time of the day to exercise?

Best time of the day to exercise? Well it depends on what you w

5 Ways to lose one pound of fat

To lose one pound of fat you need to take a number of factors i

Most effective exercises to lose weight fast

Unfortunately there are a lot of misconceptions about exercise.

Pilates for weight loss – Can you lose weight with Pilates?

What is Pilates? The Pilates technique was introduced by Joseph

5 Bodyweight exercises that burn fat

Not everybody wants or can spend an hour in the gym everyday tr

Kick In The Tush Club: Ever-Increasing Waistline

Im not surprised that America is fatter than ever! Or that the

Kick In The Tush Club: Tip-Toeing Past The Amygdala

The amygdala, an almond shaped structure located in the mid-se

Kick in the Tush Club: Six Thinking Hats Diet Plan

Six Thinking Hats is a powerful technique that can help you to

Kick in the Tush Club: The Family Fat (Not Like The Family Jewels)

We know that obesity is a growing epidemic among adults and ch

Kick in the Tush Club: Reinvent Your Life

Do you like the way your life is unfolding? Would you like t

The Gift that Pays Dividends in This Economic Recession

The talk of the town is the stock market correction, and boy w

Taking Action in Achieving Your Intention

So lets say you already know what you want to accomplish for 2

5 Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

Summer travel workout: I dont have time to go to the gym. You

Thunder Pants, Under Pants: A Weighty Weigh-In

As we head into the weekend, a time when some of us seek out a

Hide Your Body, Hide Yourself

My mother was an expert in hiding. She taught me how to hide m

Muffintop: The New Feminine?

One of my friends said that she watches every single thing tha

Tweet What You Eat: Twitter Diet Shames People Into Losing Weight

Move over, Atkins. Step aside, South Beach. The digital age has a new

A Mindful New Years Resolution: Stop Mindless Eating

People magazines latest issue, They Lost Half Their Size is on

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