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Weight Loss Tip: Eating In Season

By Cynthia Sass, M.P.H, R.D. for Shape.com Have you ever bough

Fad Diets Are Not a Shortcut

By Courtney Johnson With spring break right around the corner,

The 7-Day Lean Challenge

If youve ever dieted, or if perhaps youve spent much of your l

The 7-Day Lean Challenge, Day 1: Have a Hearty Breakfast

Okay, I know youve heard it before, but its true. Breakfast is

Day 2: Make Your Lunch Without Animal Products

Meatless means no flesh from an animal, so that includes pork,

Day 3: 5 Supernutritious Superfoods

Today were going to look at superfoods, which are not only sup

Day 4: Trade Your Milk and Butter for Plant-Based Versions

Today were going to switch up milk and butter for their nondai

Day 5: Put a Little Flax on it

Todays Lean will take just a moment or two and yield significa

Day 6: Blend Up a Power Smoothie

Well, today Im going to go easy on you. Im going to introduce

Day 7: Eat Lower on the Glycemic Index

Today is the last day of this seven-day challenge. Look how fa

Can You Think Your Way to a Thinner You?

One of my coaching clients, lets call her Nadine, once asked m

The Skinny Rules: Eat What I Tweet!

Sometimes big ideas come from small places. From, say, a tweet

Weight Loss and the Solution to the Obesity Epidemic

Unless youve been living under a rock, youve been bombarded re

The Evil Gender Bias of Obesity and Weight Gain

The bias against overweight people is evil. I know. I was the

Emotional Eating, or Is It Really Just Poor Nutrition?

I understand that some people truly deal with emotional eating

The Real Skinny on Snacking

I review food logs for my patients and magazines, and one very

Losing Weight, Hate and Obesity Bias

When she was an overweight teen, bullies relentlessly tormente

7 Tips for Permanent Weight Loss

As an actual diet doctor, Ive spent the past decade helping pe

Fat Activist Lesley Kinzel on How to Stop Dieting and Start Loving Your Body

Im finally tackling a subject Ive been consciously avoiding: f

3 Reasons Your Diet Isnt Working

Not losing weight? Or worse, you worked like hell to lose it

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