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Exercise and weight loss: the importance of resting energy expenditure

If one person cuts back on calories without exercising and anot

BMI Calculator

To estimate your BMI, enter your height and weight below, then

A wake-up call on coffee

This popular beverage may have benefits beyond a morning buzz. But be

In search of a milk alternative

Milk alternatives differ in nutritional value. Read the

A stable weight may reduce fracture risk

A study published in the Jan. 27, 2015, issue of The BMJ challe

Healthy diet: Is glycemic index the key?

You can get some of the same benefits of a low-glycemic-index diet by

Gain more weight, get more GERD

Maintaining a healthy weight is the best way to rein in gastroesophage

Adding folate to blood pressure medication reduces stroke

People with high blood pressure could benefit from a B vitamin

Which fruits and vegetables are best for weight loss?

Research were watching Eating more fruits and vegetables can

Not all vegetables aid weight control, Harvard researchers find

News briefs Adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet i

Are weight-loss drugs worth trying?

New medications, which may be safer than earlier drugs, have expanded

3 health strategies to help you get through the holidays

Plan now to help prevent overeating, trips to the hospital, a

Sugary drinks seem to raise blood pressure

Research were watching Drinking as little as one sugar-sweet

Cancer and Diet Webcast

 This Forum will explore what we know, and dont know, about links

Healthier meals on the go

Image: Thinkstock Yes, you can find convenient fast-cook meals

Stand more to lower your risk of obesity

In the journals Even if you are active, increasing the time yo

Does dietary fat matter for long-term weight loss?

News Briefs Want to lose weight? Dont focus on fat. A Harvard

Belly fat boosts risk of dying of heart disease

Research were watching Even if youre not overweight, having a large be

Whats new in nutritional guidelines?

The USDA recently updated its recommendations for healthy eatin

Are artificial sweeteners safe?

Ask the doctor Q: My doctor advised me to give up my soda ha

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