( #WeSeeYou is BlackDoctor.org’s weekly feature on someone doing something extraordinary in the area of health. These are stories that need to be shared with the world. This week, we have the privilege of featuring Katie! Photo credit: Huffnpuff2buffntough instagram)
Katie is truly a phenomenal woman who is inspiring literally thousands of people around the world with her story. When faced with odds stacked up against her health, he decided not to wait any more for something better to happen to her, she went out and made it happen. Here’s a short version of Katie’s real-life story below:
“I was overweight for most of my life and some people never let me forget and talked down to me because of it. I have had a long battle with depression, two different types of anxiety disorders – Generalized and Social, and PCOS – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. After desperately needing to make a change in my life for various personal reasons and to finally do something in my life that makes me feel accomplished… I decided it was time to make a change for my health.
Late February 2012 I started developing vision problems and I was diagnosed with Optic Neuritis. Following the long episode of Optic Neuritis, I then started developing other neurological symptoms, ranging from mild to severe. I was then told I was having symptoms of MS. I was told that it is most likely MS, but my doctor at the time wanted more proof, but told me it was only a matter of time before I got the official diagnosis whether it be from him or another doctor. I started having episodes of mobility issues that would come and go along with a lot of other strange symptoms that MS is known for. MS can be extremely difficult to diagnose, so I was told that I could be one of those patients who may take years to get a diagnosis if I get one at all. At that moment, I was so afraid that one day I could be completely disabled and might not be able to do all of the things I have always wanted to do and also realized that I wasn’t living my life the way I wanted to.
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“I felt like this was a wake up call and a sign that I needed to get out and do the things I have always longed to do and new things I have always wanted to try because I don’t know how long I will be able to do those things for, in which I am hoping will be for a very long time.”
(photo credit: Huffnpuff2buffntuff instagram)
“MS is an unpredictable disease that I may or may not get diagnosed with. People who live with it won’t know what will be the actual outcome for them, but knows what can be. One thing led to another and here I am today, this fitness loving health nut who loves all things health and fitness!”
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