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Quick Weight Loss Tips - Walking And Weight Loss

For quick weight loss and improvement in the overall health of the body most trainers suggest walking as an alternative. Walking is one of the best forms of exercises, which can be done with or without the use of complicate equipment. Through walking you can also lose weight faster, unlike the general misconception that you cannot lose weight through walking. It is generally suggested tat walking at a moderate pace for about 30 minutes to an hour, everyday, helps the body to burn stored fat and calories.

Those who are trying to implement a regular walking routine in order to lose weight need to follow a program that is designed around your needs. For this it is essential to know how long and how often you should walk and at what speed and thus you should plan out your walking regime in the same way. Through walking you can also achieve calories loss and weight loss because this form of exercise works best if you increase your activity and eat fewer calories each day.

Those who want lose weight through walking should increase the distance before working on increasing your speed. This way you burn more calories per mile at low speeds and this way you can also walk longer distances. In addition to these benefits you can also burn more calories by building up muscle. Also by walking for weight loss, helps in building up the muscles of the body and legs and it is a known fact that building muscles will burn up extra calories.

It is usually suggested to lose weight, and keep it off; you have to keep a regular routine. Since walking is easy to do since and there is no need of any special equipment for the same, it is best to start off right away and follow the same at least 5 days a week. You can start by walking for 5-10 minutes each day and then gradually increase the same to 30-60 minutes.

You should also try and work at about 50-70% of your maximum heart rate and target 5-10 hours of walking per week. You should also include some strength training exercises with walking to help build muscle. Also when you are walking for weight loss, it is best no to take more than 1 to 2 days off a week. The speed of your walk should be increased gradually and you should start with a warm up of about 5-10 minutes. You can then keep on increasing the speed of the same and walk with race-walk style.

You should also try and follow or track your weight loss by measuring the progress through inches or pounds. It is best to maintain a journal or logs to record your progress so that you can keep a track of the same. There are various ways to intensify the workout routine for walking also and these include walking on inclined surfaces or combining walking with running or jogging to make the workout more intense and also for increasing the number of calories which you can reduce through these walking.

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