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Top Weight Loss Techniques - How Does Your Weight Affect You Emotionally?

People who are obese or overweight face many difficulties their normal weight peers do not. Frequent doctor visits are a fact of life for overweight and obese people, due to the development of weight-related disorders such as osteoarthritis and diabetes. Along with the daily difficulties associated with these obesity related diseases, the overweight or obese person may be personally affected financially as a result of weight-related expenses and reduced income.

Overweight or obese people are frequently stereotyped as emotionally impaired, socially handicapped, and as possessing negative personality traits. Evidence of discrimination is found at virtually every stage of the employment cycle, including selection, placement, promotion, compensation, discipline and discharge, according to research presented by Western Michigan University. In addition, this partial extends to job assessments of overweight individuals in their various work related roles, both as subordinates and co-workers. Compared to normal weight people, morbidly obese and massively obese people are more likely to incur instances of institutional and day-to-day interpersonal discrimination and these persons report lower levels of self-acceptance than normal weight persons, yet this relationship is fully mitigated by the perception that one has been discriminated against due to body weight or physical appearance: a more palatable reason emotionally than character or personality defect, or a job not well done.

Unflattering portrayals of obese people pervade popular culture, while multiple studies document that adults, children, and even health care professionals who work with obese patients hold negative attitudes toward overweight and obese persons. Most of the teachers in one study said that becoming obese is the worst thing that can happen to a person; twenty-four percent of nurses said that they are repulsed by obese people. Obese people who believe that their health care providers look down upon them may avoid seeking care; this reaction is potentially dangerous given that obese people are at an elevated risk for many health and emotional conditions.

Normally overweight people are less likely to attend college even though they score high on standardized tests and are academically motivated; also, overweight women are more likely than other men or women to pay their way through college.

Overweight or obese students are more likely to be refused letters of recommendation from faculty members. There has been some change in the practices regarding hiring of the obese; as so much more of the employment force has become overweight there is not often an option.

Overweight or obese people get waited on more slowly than normal weight customers; even they often encounter more difficulty making returns or exchanges than their thinner counterparts. In fact, Social attitudes towards obesity are negative and usually result in the adolescent becoming withdrawn and lonely. Obese adolescents have feelings of social isolation, low self-esteem, feelings of rejection and depression and a strong sense of failure. Obese children are more likely to engage in high-risk behaviors such as smoking, or consuming alcohol even the obese adolescent girls are more likely to become sexually active at a younger age in an effort to achieve acceptance and attention.

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