You're not alone. I talk to people all the time who are seeking simple solutions to lifelong problems. If there were an easy way to lose those extra pounds, wouldn’t everyone be doing it? The formula for losing weight and maintaining optimal weight must take into consideration a number of factors, such as metabolic rate (the amount of energy your body needs to function), blood sugar regulation and activity level. It’s important not to depend on any one food, nutrient or dietary formula to stimulate weight loss. The most crucial element is to lower calorie intake via food and increase activity level by exercise. And watch out for fads! All food contains calories, so if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is! Weight loss does not occur magically. Variety is the spice of life. To help you strip unwanted pounds, I have a simple formula: eat foods that fill you up, and eat foods that speed up your metabolism. Then move a lot!
Here are My Top 7 Foods for Weight Loss: 1. Chia Seeds Chia seeds are a superstar of soluble fiber, absorbing 12 times their volume in water, and containing the highest known levels of Omega 3 fatty acids of any food. Soluble fiber expands throughout the digestive process, making you feel full for hours. It also keeps you “regular,” by stimulating healthy digestion. 2. Green Tea Green tea extract has been shown to create a considerable increase in energy expenditure, plus has a positive effect on fat breakdown. Researchers think that this may be due to the theanine in the green tea rather than the caffeine—theanine is an amino acid that is helpful for brain balance, fatigue, and both physical and mental energy. 3. Coconut Oil Aside from palm oil, breast milk and raw unprocessed full-fat cow’s milk, coconut oil is the only food to naturally contain medium-chain fatty acids. MCFAs are broken down in your liver, boosting energy and burning existing fat. The fast rate of oxidation of MCFA leads to greater energy expenditure. In addition, coconut oil also makes you feel full, so you're likely to eat less. 4. Cacao A rat study showed that cacao may lower cholesterol and moderate blood-sugar levels. Whether you believe the rats or not, cacao is delicious raw, in chocolate or hot chocolate. Cacao also contains antioxidant polyphenols which are protective against several diseases—including cardiovascular diseases and cancers—and demonstrate anti-inflammatory properties. 5. Caffeine (Coffee or Black Tea) Caffeine in small doses has shown promise increasing metabolism, particularly within one hour of intake. Caffeine before exercise may boost fat-loss. One cup of coffee a day may provide benefit, but more than that may be too much, and may have the opposite effect as it’s difficult to digest, requiring various liver detoxification processes. It also places a burden and stress on the adrenal glands. Since most people over-stress their adrenal glands in the modern world, it is crucial to provide “rest days” and make sure your intake is not excessive. 6. Chili Good news for chili-lovers! That Indian curry may have some health benefits after all! Chili and its active component capsaicin has been shown to enhance energy and fat metabolism. I recommend only moderate amounts. 7. Water Clean water is vital for human health. Since we contain mostly water, we require adequate water for optimal cell functioning and the detoxification required to aid weight-loss. The more active you are, and the warmer the climate, the greater the loss of hydration, and concomitantly the greater the need for water. Keep your fluids up during and after exercise to aid recovery.