Even if you eat well all year, one cookie can easily lead to 10 at the holiday table.
Here’s the simple secret that will turn off your sugar cravings: eat more root vegetables.
When you pass on dessert, you won’t even feel deprived! You just won’t feel like eating cookies, cake, or candy.
How does it work?
If your body’s nutritional needs are not met, it will tell you to keep eating until you have all the glucose (energy), vitamins, and minerals you need.
That’s why cravings are a good thing. They're your body’s way of telling you what it needs. (And believe me, they are never wrong.)
Unfortunately, in this day and age, our brain often gets confused thanks to a barrage of food advertising and an abundance of processed foods.
So, now, when your body sends out the signal, “I need sweet food,” your brain can easily interpret it as “Get me a tub of rocky road ice cream,” instead of what your body is actually looking for, which is the energy, vitamins, and minerals that come from root vegetables. Both are sweet, but definitely not equal in nutritional profile.
So, if you give your body what it needs, you won’t even want the sweet imposters.
Try eating more sweet potatoes, yams, carrots, parsnips, yucca, beets, rutabaga, turnips, jicama and butternut squash.
Eat a hearty root vegetable dish before a holiday party, and you’ll be able to stand in front of the dessert table for hours without drooling.
Of course, a few nibbles of holiday treats won’t kill you, so by all means, enjoy a taste!
Life is no fun without cake, but remember, it’s no fun with an expanding wasitband, either, so use this secret to be satisfied with one slice, instead of 8.
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