I start my day with good hydration, so a glass of hot or room temperature water with lemon works wonderfully. I drink black or green tea, decaffeinated, if I’m tired, and need to sleep better later. I don’t say NO to a little honey and almond milk in my tea.
For breakfast I have a green smoothie, oatmeal, wheat-free toaster waffle with almond butter and fresh or frozen berries, or breakfast potatoes with veggies. I typically don’t eat wheat, dairy or eggs. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains have SOLUBLE FIBER, which makes you feel full, plus keeps you regular. There is nothing like good elimination after a good breakfast to start your day off feeling right with the world.
At breakfast, I soak brown rice or quinoa for dinner. Soaking makes grains more digestible and if I do oatmeal in the morning, I soak it the night before with a squeeze of lemon juice. Soaking 8-12 hours followed by a quick rinse before boiling makes grains easy on digestion.
For lunch, I typically eat some kind of vegetables, whole grains, tubers and legumes. My favorite is a green salad with a side of rice or toast. I also might have soup if I’ve started something on the stove for later in the day.
Broth based soups made from vegetables or quality bones are a staple in my house. Chicken broth is a healing food for the gut, boosts immunity and is full of minerals. Broth soups are also low in calories and high in nutrients. I also use homemade broth for risotto or other stews.
Most nights I prepare dinner for my family and typically we eat vegetables, chicken, beef or fish. I buy the best quality meat I can find and eat cuts that require more cooking for better digestion. That also happens to be easier on the wallet. Who doesn’t love happy health AND happy check book?
I love sweet treats, but any food with refined sugar, refined wheat, dairy or alcohol is a splurge for the brain and comes with a crash, so I consider it a treat. That means one serving a week or so. I make my own “cookies” with flax seeds, whole grain oat flour, maple syrup, dried fruits and a bit of dark chocolate, and indulge in those more frequently.
I am not perfect. When I wrote my article a month ago I was not exercising and was eating chocolate DAILY! I love to eat out with friends and get take-out in a pinch for convenience. My goal is not perfection — it’s to feel great and fuel my body and mind to do the things I love. I keep my self-talk positive, visualize my goals, and feel confidently secure that things happen first in the mind, and then in the body. To be honest, when I feel amazing I don’t even care whether I lose 20 pounds or not, so who’s counting?
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