My simple solution? Green juice!
But this isn’t any ordinary green juice, my health-seeking friends! I designed this recipe as a way to get optimal nutrients while also supporting weight loss.
My two favorite “waist whittling” ingredients are jalapeños and bok choy. Jalapeños pack a powerful nutritional punch, with notable amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A. These little peppers derive their heat from a natural plant compound called capsaicin, which offers powerful health benefits such as reducing inflammation and decreasing hard-to-lose belly fat. And because bok choy is loaded with fiber, essential nutrients and is so low in calories, it's a perfect natural diet aid when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off!
Waist-Whittling Spicy Green Juice
Serves 4 and yields 32 ounces of juice.
Run all ingredients through a juicer and enjoy.
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