The Quick Weight Loss Diet has built into it elements to reduce you even by subterfuge. For example, there is no instruction to count calories. You can eat as much of the fine foods on the list as you need to satisfy your hunger: a great variety of lean meats, unfatty fish and seafood, chicken and turkey, eggs, cottage cheese and farmer cheese.
Your first reaction may well be that of so many of my patients, "But on that diet I'll eat my head off. I'll consume far more calories than I do now." The fact is that on this diet, even eating 6 or more meals a day, you'll find that you limit the intake yourself because you feel full and lack the desire for excess quantities that would increase your weight instead of taking it off. Also you're restricted from the rich foods that tempt you to overeat. And you eat to satisfy your hunger, not to pamper your appetite. A very few overeat for the first day or two but then taper off quickly.
Many of my patients have told me, "I feel I'm eating so much on that diet, how am I losing so much weight?" When I added up their daily intake I found that they had consumed as few as 400 to 900 calories a day, without any desire for more food. Others, primarily taller persons, were eating up to 2,000 calories a day on the Quick Weight Loss Diet and yet lost pounds rapidly although they hadn't been able to lose on other diets where they seemed to be eating less. The high protein consumption burned up many more calories per day.
With this method, the time comes eventually when you are either at or near your ideal weight. For the average person who is reducing drastically, it is best to come within 5 to 15 pounds of the ideal weight, then go on Stay Slim Eating for a few months. After that you take off the remaining 5 to 15 excess pounds through the Quick Weight Loss Diet, then back to Stay Slim Eating when your ideal weight is achieved.
Here are just a very few typical records of how individuals reduced with the aid of this method. In every one of these successful cases and thousands more, not one patient showed any harmful effects. Every one improved his or her health and well-being by losing excess weight. The usual comment: "Doctor, I feel wonderful. I have new energy. Everything looks brighter. My husband and friends tell me that I look years younger and far more attractive."
One of my patients is a physician who was considerably overweight. She is 5' 3 1/2" and weighed 183 pounds. I placed her on the Quick Weight Loss Diet, prescribed medication and told her to eat only if hungry. She never stopped her practice as a busy doctor. On her own decision, she went for 7 days on water and vitamins, starting on my diet only from the eighth day. She lost 13 pounds the first week, 12 pounds the second week, 6 pounds the third week梔ropping from 183 to 152 pounds, 31 pounds in 3 weeks. She will continue to diet until she stabilizes at 125 pounds, then will go down eventually to no pounds, about her ideal weight. Her opinion of the Quick Weight Loss Diet: "It's great!"
Quick Weight Loss For Families
Entire families lose pounds wonderfully through the Quick Weight Loss Diet (it usually helps when two or more people go on the diet together and, in effect, have a contest with each other). In one instance of a family of four, during the first four days on the diet the considerably overweight father dropped nine pounds. Mother, only a few pounds overweight after a heavy-eating cruise, lost the four pounds she'd gained on vacation. The 14-year-old overweight daughter dropped six pounds. Even the average-weight 16-year-old son who was not on the diet itself went down a pound, influenced by the way the others were eating.
They were all so delighted that the two overweights continued dieting and losing weight. The happiest result was that the father, who had never been able to stick with a diet before, reduced to a slim, attractive figure his children had never seen. He'd given up that goal many years before as unattainable for the rest of his life. One doctor after another had told him to reduce for his health's sake but he hadn't succeeded.
The family called the diet a "miracle." Actually it was just another proof of the sound functioning of the quick reducing method. People need specific instructions that work, not outmoded reducing theories amounting to a recommendation to "eat less"梬hich are bound to fail for most.
Some Typical Cases On The Quick Weight Loss Diet
A. B.梞an, 5' 4". He weighed 170 pounds and despaired of being able to reduce as he had failed many times. I recommended that he come down to 125-130 pounds, ideal weight for him. On my diet, he lost 7 pounds the first week. His rate of loss varied because of lapses in dieting, but he was down to 127 pounds in 3 months, a loss of 43 pounds and at ideal weight. He felt so good that he had refused to stop dieting on the way down, and he continued to cut down for another 6 weeks until he weighed 116 pounds.
I emphasized that there was no advantage to him in being underweight so during the next month he rose to 127 pounds. Gradually, not taking care in following the Combination Plan, over the next 4 months he went up to 138 pounds. Going back on the Quick Weight Loss Diet which he had learned was relatively easy, he then reduced within a month to 128 pounds where his weight has now been stabilized for some time, as charted.
B. C.梬oman, 5' 3". She weighed 147 pounds, over 30 pounds heavier than her ideal weight of 103-115. On the Quick Weight Loss Diet, she dropped 6 pounds the first week and was down to 130 pounds in 6 weeks. I told her to maintain that weight for a few weeks, then go down to 120 and stay there for six months before stabilizing at about 110. We both knew she could do it because she had learned how relatively easy it had been to take off over 25 pounds.
C. C.梬oman, 5' 5". She weighed 174 pounds, dragging around a load of about 50 pounds more than her ideal weight of under 125. She told me, "Doctor, I feel terrible in every way. I've tried to diet gradually but it doesn't work for me." I started her on the Quick Weight Loss Diet and also prescribed a drug for assistance. At the end of a week she had lost 10 pounds and was down to 164.
"I'm feeling so much better already," she told me, "that nothing can stop me now from getting down to normal weight. When I lost a few pounds the first week on other diets, it didn't mean anything to me, but 10 pounds梩hat really proves something. My husband said I'll soon be looking like his bride again." Eventually she reached her ideal weight.
D. E.梞an, 5' 11". He weighed 243 pounds instead of between 153 and 170 pounds ideal weight. He had high blood pressure and many other undesirable symptoms and ills. He said he felt like an old man although he was only 32. On my diet he went down to 183 pounds over a period of 14 weeks. His blood pressure dropped from 210 / 135 to 150 / 100. He will be on Stay Slim Eating for a while and then will lose 20 to 25 pounds, stabilizing at about 165. With the big weight loss already, he says that he feels like "a new man."
E. F.梬oman, 5' 2". She weighed 155 pounds instead of her ideal weight of under no. She said she was determined to take off weight because she heard someone refer to her as a "butterball." In 2 months on the Quick Weight Loss Diet she was down to 115 pounds. Letting up too much, her weight rose to 124 pounds in a month. On the Quick Loss Diet she dropped to 115 pounds in 2 weeks and then to 110.
She asked me, "Will I have to be careful about how much I eat for the rest of my life?" "Yes," I told her, "just like millions of others who are anxious to stay thin, healthy, vigorous and attractive. Isn't it worth the difference in the way you look and feel now?" She agreed that it was. She is proving it by maintaining her ideal weight on the Combination Plan, returning to the Quick Loss Diet for brief periods whenever her weight rises, which is seldom.
F. G.梬oman, 5' 1". She weighed 194 pounds and said that she had tried to reduce fourteen different times without success. Each time she had lost a few pounds and then gained the weight right back again. By the Quick Loss method, she lost over 10 pounds the first week. She was so encouraged that she continued eagerly. Within a year she was at her desired weight of under 105 pounds and has maintained this for over 4 years at this writing.
In typical cases like the preceding, the loss of weight takes dangerous strain off the heart. I'm often asked, "Doesn't such dieting put a great strain on the heart due to the sudden change?" The answer is precisely the opposite; taking off excess fat takes strain off the heart. The electrocardiograms of an average individual show how this becomes apparent.
With the aid of quick loss dieting, years of life were undoubtedly added for this patient. Dangerous heart impairment from overweight was avoided. The fat crowding the organs was eliminated. The organs returned to normal and the signs of heart strain disappeared.
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