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Healthy Living


What does it really mean to live healthy? Every time you turn on the TV or pick up a magazine you hear that you need to live healthy, but how do you do that? It’s not just about losing weight, exercising or even eating right. It’s all about body, mind, and spirit. You’ve probably heard the expression “mind over matter” well it’s true. The truth is if you don’t think healthy and don’t really want to be healthy nothing you do is going to have a big impact in your life.

How do you have a healthy mind? Well I’ll tell you. One of the first things you need to do is have some quiet time, you need that time to decide if you really want to be truly healthy and happy. When you have made your choice you need to find and grow friendships. Friendships with people who will help you be a better person, then grow those relationships till you have formed strong bonds. Once you’ve accomplished all that you need to consider taking up reading, yes reading. You need to read encouraging, engaging, fun and interesting books and magazines that will make you a more rounded person. That even includes some fun fiction.

Now that you are on your way to a healthy mind you can move onto your body. You need to do some research on your body type and find out what the best food, exercise, and weight is. Every ones body type is different, so every lifestyle change you make needs to reflect what is right for you and not your next door neighbour. Food should be your next priority after your mind. Food can stimulate you or depress you. Make sure you know what those foods are and if you find stimulating foods stick with them. Most of your green foods count as high brain power foods as do the majority of vegetables. Now I’m not saying go vegetarian, by no means is that right for everyone. However, vegetables or fruit should really be a part of every meal you eat. There is nothing wrong with eating meats, just make sure what kind and how much of the meats you are eating. Pork should be avoided whenever possible. Go ahead and have the odd bacon or sausage for breakfast, but don’t make it a habit. Now your red meats are high in protein so make sure to definitely get some of it into your regular diet.

Here’s the thing if you aren’t squeamish about what you eat then try to find some wild meat. Moose and corn fed venison are the absolute best red meats you can eat. Fish is also a perfect white meat, especially if you can get it fresh. Fish is not only a brain meat, but it also helps your eyes. Certain oils which are found in the skins contain omega fatty acids. These fatty acids help your brain and can boost other minerals such as glucosamine, chondroitin, and msm which help with the cartilage in your joints.

Once you have established the right food regimen for you then you need to plan some exercises. This could mean simply taking the stairs at work, or taking the dog for a good walk after supper every night. Maybe if you have kids you can take them to the park and play a game of soccer. The quantity of exercise you get, depends on what you are capable of. Not everyone can go to a gym and workout for an hour every day. There is no time or it’s too difficult, others are even uncomfortable in a fitness center environment. The important part of exercise is getting your body moving regularly.

Once you have figured out how to have a healthy mind, body and soul you will be on your way to a long healthy life. Make sure before changing anything about your lifestyle in regard to your health that you first consult your doctor and have him help you lay out a plan and set a goal for you.

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