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10 Best Ways to Lose Weight Gain During Your Period

10 Best Ways to Lose Weight Gain During Your Period

Not many know but most women actually gain more weight during their period.  Although others are lucky, some gain five pounds every time they have their PMS.

Science explains that this is due to hormonal changes in the body wherein lower levels of estrogen and progesterone decrease the chances of burning fat.

To help ease your PMS blues, here are 10 best ways to lose weight gain during your period:

1. Drink a lot of water.

Avoid dehydration at all costs, it makes cramps even more painful and causes heavier bloating. Water will not make you gain more weight. Don’t be afraid to drink a lot of water. Water actually helps in reducing water retention.

2. Know your body.

Be mindful of the dates when your menstrual cycles starts and when it likely ends. The mestrual cycle can be divided into the three: the follicular phase, which is the first half of your cycle; next is the luteal phase, and last is the premenstrual phase.

3. Focus on body building during your follicular phase

Estrogen increases during this time, which helps build up muscles. Try full body weight training three times a week, as well as another three sets of long duration moderate intensity training.

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4. Focus on fat-burning during the luteal phase

To lose weight faster, try doing sprints or other high-intensity conditioning for shorter duration.

5. Diet

Your diet should have normal calorie and carbohydrate intake during the first phase.  However, lower the carbs during the luteal phase.

6. Don’t be afraid of chocolate.

Since your hormone levels fluctuate from high to low, chocolate can help stabilize it. Chocolate increases your serotonin levels which keeps you from having cravings. That means less unnecessary food intake.

7. Avoid red meat.

As much as possible, avoid any saturated fat intake, particularly red meat. It contains high-level of saturated fat which increases estrogen levels all the more.

8. Say ‘No’ to fast foods

Cravings usually lead you to drive-thrus in the nearest fast food chain. But that may be the worst thing you can do. Fast food or processed food in your fridge contains a lot of salt.

Read also: Painful Heavy Periods: Scientists Finally Discover The Cause

9.  Take iron supplements

Women are prone to fatigue due to lower iron levels.  This causes the mood swings and feeling ‘down’ moments which will likely increase cravings.  Taking iron supplements help in reducing fatigue.

10. Say ‘No’ to self-pity

Lastly, everyone should know that weight gain during your menstrual period is only temporary.  So, the next time you feel bad about gaining those extra pounds, know that you’re not alone.


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