Many of us are so busy and have so many responsibilities in life that we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. We can spend long hours at work, spend time taking care of our families and seem to place high priority on time spent staring at a screen of some description (computer, television of video games). The end result is our health often gets pushed down the totem pole of priorities.
Most people do understand that we should take some time out of the busyness of our lives to get in a couple of proper exercise sessions each week and eat better. But most often these things seem to get lost in the shuffle of our day to day lives.
So, how important is proper exercise and what will happen if you don't do it?
For starters, if you don't keep your muscles strong and toned they become flabby and weak and the outside of your body will lose its youthful shape and your energy levels will drop but what happens on the inside is where the real damage is done.
A no proper exercise lifestyle leads to an increase in fat on the inside which accumulates around the organs inside the belly. You will not notice this at first as it will not show on the bathroom scales. But studies have showed a 9% increase in this dangerous fat in only six months due to lack of exercise can add up to four pounds per year over time.
You can tell when it builds up as your waistline measurement will indicate an unhealthy concentration of this abdominal fat. If you are a man your waistline should not measure over 38 inches and a woman over 35 inches regardless of what you weigh.
This fat is dangerous in that these fat cells inside the abdomen aren't just dormant energy waiting to be burned up. The cells are active, producing hormones and other chemicals that can disrupt the body's normal chemical balance and affect your health and put you in the firing line for around 50 nasty diseases and illnesses.
Although you may only be concerned about the fat out front that you can grab it is really the stuff deep inside that you do not want hanging around. A proper exercise program that loads up the muscles such as strength training exercise is what is needed to burn up this nasty villain.
You will need to increase your metabolism (your body's engine) and the only way to do that is to tone and strengthen your muscles. It is important to note here that no other low intensity activity like walking, jogging or cycling will do the job as they do not work your muscles through their full ranges of movement with resistance. This is the only way to get your muscles burning more fuel which is what drives your metabolic fat burning machinery.
Don't be part of the common myth that exercising the muscles beneath the fat on a certain body part will reduce the fat on that one body part. Doing lots of sit ups or exercising the abdominal muscles in the hope of reducing waist size will not get the job done. It is impossible to spot reduce as the body does not take its energy supply from the fat directly above muscles been worked.
The good news is that a few lifestyle changes mainly in the form of a proper exercise program mostly made up of strength training exercise that will target and increase your metabolic engine will help you battle this unhealthy body fat. You get many other healthy bonuses as well which will delight and astound you.
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