The best diet plan to lose weight fast is one that combines a nutritionally sound diet with exercise. There! I've cut to the chase. You don't have to read any further because you now have the core information you need.
"Huh," you think. "I know there are all sorts of plans and programs that promise I'll lose weight fast. I just want to know which one is the best, and this guy just blew a bunch of smoke about 'nutritionally sound' and 'exercise.' What crap."
Yes, there are lots of diet programs that promise fast weight loss, hundreds of them, from ones that are free and home-grown to ones that charge you a lot of money for their "secrets." And no, I'm not blowing smoke and what I wrote isn't crap. Read on and I'll give you some things to consider before deciding on a quick weight loss program.
Consider the Cabbage Soup Diet. Some proponents of this diet say you can lose as much as 15 pounds in two weeks. Just eat cabbage soup, all you want. The theory is that cabbage is a "negative calorie food," a food that takes more calories to digest than it gives in nutrition.
Follow this diet religiously and you will lose a lot of weight, but most of it will be water weight. After a couple of weeks on this diet, you'll probably feel like hell because your body hasn't been getting the proper nutrition it needs. Look at yourself in the mirror. Eyes look a little sunken? Skin looks a little loose and saggy? Even through you may not be hungry per se, your neighbor's dog is probably starting to look like a pretty tasty meal. Your body is telling you it needs the vitamins and minerals from a balanced diet that you haven't been giving it.
What happens when you go off of this diet? Chances are you put back all the weight you lost, and you'll put it back on almost as rapidly as you lost it. You may even put on more as your body overcompensates for the previous lack of proper nutrition.
Fact: 95% of people who start a diet regain the weight they lost. What's not covered in this figure is the percentage of people who tried some quick weight loss fad diet and failed. I'll bet that number approaches 100%.
This specific example of the Cabbage Soup Diet applies in general for the vast majority of quick weight loss fad diets. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, these diets won't work for you. Don't waste your time, money, or hope on them.
Experts agree that sustainable weight loss is about 2 pounds a week. Lose at this rate and you have an excellent chance of keeping the weight off. There are many nutritionally sound diets that will help you with the right foods, correct portions, and recipes so that you can optimally lose those 2 pounds a week.
You can lose weight quicker, safely, by incorporating exercise into you weight loss plan. Moderate exercise will make you feel better and will help prevent sagging skin if you have a lot of weight to lose. Consult your doctor before starting a vigorous exercise program. Understand, if you "pump up the jam" on your exercise plan to lose weight more quickly, if you moderate your exercise, your weight loss may slow accordingly.
So there you have it. The best diet plan to lose weight fast really is one that is nutritionally sound and incorporates sensible exercise. Those fad diets just aren't going to cut it for you.
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