Diet pills work in a much different way, depending on the ingredients they contain and it has to do with the way which these will affect the metabolism and the organs of the one who uses them. That is why, in most of the cases, it becomes a necessity to have the prescription diet pills. They are recommended for people who want to lose more than 10 pounds or persons suffering from obesity. In these cases, the need of prescriptions is a substantial need! There is the possibility that the pills might contain ingredients,that do not positively match with the health status of the person who is using them, a fact that will generate the need for an immediate consultation with your doctor.
In addition, we will explain the way in which these prescription diet pills function. These appetite suppressants affect the appetite-regulating region of the brain called the hypothalamus. They work by blocking the re-uptake of the chemicals serotonin and epinephrine, which create that feeling of satisfaction you get after eating a big meal. The more these chemicals circulate in your brain, the more you will feel full and then you will eat less.
Most available weight-loss pills are "appetite suppressant" medications and these generally come in the form of tablets or extended-release capsules (pills that release medication over a long period of time). They can be obtained by a doctor’s prescription, in order to make a complete analysis of the patients health. There are cases, people with chronic conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, when the use of diet pills may be inappropriate for these people and they should have medical people completely controlling their weight loss. In this respect, one common appetite suppressant is Meridia.
There are other types of prescription diet pills,such as the one that works as a fat absorption inhibitor. Xenical is the only example of this type of treatment approved for use in the U.S. Xenical works by blocking about 30% of dietary fat from being absorbed into your body. Xenical is now sold over-the-counter as 10 Alli.
Meridia and Xenical are the only weight loss drugs approved for longer-term use for significantly obese people. They are also at the top of the list of prescription diet pills and that is why they are also recommended by the nutrition doctors. You should have a medical doctor to be consulted and is very necessary in most of the cases, before starting any diet by yourself. You must at least have some recommendations or some other peoples opinions related to the product you want to use. In most of the cases, when speaking about prescription diet pills, tests have to be made in order to see if your body will have a totally positive reaction to the ingredients they contain.
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