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The Guide to Getting Rid of Love Handles

     It strange that they are called "love handles" when there is nothing to love about them. Love handles is a common term that frequently refers to the fat right at our waist line. The clothes we dress in frequently cause this part of our body to stick out past our waist line when they have a little snugness to them. This is a problem for both men and women everywhere.

But in spite of sex, this area is a difficult one to deal with because of its lack of blood flow and major muscles near by. Next we'll find out how to get rid of love handles.

So what are you supposed to do to get rid of this body fat that has caused your favorite bathing suit to stay in the drawer?? We embark upon it head on with a blend of cardio and particular exercises that target the area which will help you learn how to get rid of love handles. So is your body more or less pretty lean, but you can't seem to get rid of your love handles? If so it's time to intensify your cardio. If you can increase your cardio to an hour at a high intensity, 5 days a week, you'll be burning such a high number of calories, your body will have to use the fat in your love handle area for energy. I抎 greatly advise doing this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Often that type of workout is challenging to do on an empty stomach. If so try a low carb protein shake which will help if blood sugar levels are a problem.

If workable, eat your last carb at 6pm. If that is not workable, than try to keep the carbs to a least possible keeping with lean protein and vegetables. This could sound impossible, but doing so will help show results fast. Next eliminate any simple sugar in your diet like sodas and desserts and limit or cut out any alcohol while attempting to drop extra body fat.

Now that we've gone over cardio and diet, let's cover some exercises demonstrated to target the love handles.

Oblique V-Ups
Lie on your side with your hands folded across your chest. With your head supported by your neck and your legs together, elevate your legs and upper body straight up off the ground. As the title reads, you're going to attempt and make a V shape with your side body. Don抰 worry, no one can get there. Though the range of motion is quite restricted, you'll certainly feel the intensity of this exercise in your obliques.

Saxon Side Bend
With a pair of light dumbbells, hold them over your head with your elbows a little bent. With a straight back, bend over to the left without twisting your upper body. Feel the contraction then come back to center and repeat the same motion on your right side.

Speed Rotation
Standing holding one dumbbell with both hands in front of your stomach, twist 90 degrees to the right and then quickly twist a full 180 degrees to the left. Keep your abdominal muscles contracted tight and move rapidly from one position to the other. Go back to the center and repeat on the other side.

Cable Wood Chop
This exercise requires a weighted cable machine. Grip the cable over your right shoulder at about 3 o'clock. Contract your ab muscles and rotate your hands down towards your opposite knee. Try and keep your back straight and isolate your oblique抯 with especially slow and controlled movements. Try not to use momentum to complete each rep.

Weighted Torso Rotation
Commence on the floor on your knees with your toes tucked under. With a medicine ball(pick the appropriate weight) start with is in front of you, then take hold of it and turn to the left setting the ball down behind you. Then turn to the right all the way around picking up the ball and twisting all the way around placing it back down behind you. Complete a set of 10-12 in both directions.

Side Jackknife
Start on your left side with your left forearm on the ground for support and your right hand behind your head. Begin by lifting your legs off the ground and moving your upper body towards your feet leading with your right elbow. Hold the movement at the top contracting the muscles tightly. Lower back down and repeat. Replicate the set on the opposite side.

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