Are you tired of waving goodbye with your upper arms, rather than with your hands? If so, then it's time to take serious action to reduce the stored fat located in the upper arm. This is one of the biggest problems that people face, and it seems to be the most difficult place to lose fat from. Yet, it can be done with an effective plan and a lot of consistency.
The key to burning fat from the arms is to increase your burn of fat from your body as whole. Your body is going to pull from stored fat cells on particular parts of your body in its own time and its own order. You cannot force the burn of fat from your arms anymore than you can force it from any other body part. All you can do is get your metabolism going and burn fat from all areas of the body.
To do this, you need to stop adding to your fat cells by sticking with healthier forms of fat and eating nutrient rich foods that will deliver higher levels of energy. Try to stick with lean meat sources, whole grains, and a lot of vegetables, fruits, and low to nonfat dairy.
Yet, the best way to boost your metabolism is to start working out on a regular basis. The more cardio you can get in the more calories you will burn off, and the more weight you should be able to lose in general. What this does for your arms is boost your metabolism so you are burning more fat in general.
Next, you have to perform strength training exercises to build up the muscles in the upper arms. This includes your biceps, which run along the front side of the upper arm, as well as the triceps, which run along the underside. It is the triceps where you notice the actual jiggle of fat, but in order to reduce the fat in the upper arm you need to strengthen both of these muscles.
Here are just a couple simple exercises that will get you started, but there are many effective workout programs designed to hit this part of the body with effective exercise combinations.
Tricep Chair Dips
Sit on the very edge of a stable chair with the palms of your hands on the edge right next to your bottom. With your legs bent, knees bent out away from the body and feet pressing into the floor. Slide your bottom off the chair so your weight is supported by the bottom of your palms on the chair edge. Slowly lower your bottom toward the ground, bending your elbows. Push back up by straightening the arms.
Tricep Kickbacks
Go into a lunge stance with one leg out in front of your body bent and the other leg straight and out behind you. Take a dumbbell in the hand corresponding with your back leg and lean forward over your front leg. Relax one arm into your front leg for support and raise the dumbbell to waist level with your elbow bent and pointing out behind you. Raise the arm out behind you, straightening the elbow and then bending it back in next to your waist again.
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