You're really going to like this if you have too hectic a schedule to workout, hate going to the gym, but still want to slim down.
My Personal Secrets Lose Weight and Keep It Off
We'll need to look at two individual things: First is dropping those pounds. Second is ensuring that you keep the fat off.
Losing the Weight -- There are two types of exercises you want to do to lose the weight. First, is Hindu Squats (or just normal squats). These are just squats that you do without all the dumbbells and other clunky stuff you find at the gym. Do these squats as fast as possible. This will likely seem pretty hard and first, but you can easily build up to doing around 100 of these in five minutes or so. Doing 100 of these squats is much easier said than done. You will likely hate doing these, but you will totally love how they make those pounds just melt away! You should start to see noticeable results within 10 days.
The second exercise is to simply hop on a trampoline. Jumping on a trampoline might seem a bit silly, but you'll love how it tones up your core. I used to have a professor at college that would do this every day and he really swore by it. For the longest time, I just brushed this off, but once give it a go, you'll never go back. This doesn't take much time either. After doing it a few times each day for only a couple of minutes, you'll start to see some amazing results. You can even do this fairly easily during the commercials when you're watching a show on TV. Now you can watch as much TV as you want to without feeling like a couch potato.
Keeping the Weight Off -- Now let's take a look at how to keep the weight off so that you don't find those pounds slowly sneaking back on you over the following months.
Luckily, this is the easy phase. The only exercise you need to do is take walks regularly. Walking is perfect for keeping your body in balance and guaranteeing that the weight stays off for good. Try walking instead of taking your car when you need to run daily errands. This way you can keep the weight off and get all your chores done at once. Or if you live in the suburbs where it's challenging to walk everywhere, try just taking a relaxing stroll before bed. Aside from helping you manage your weight, you'll get some nice refreshing air to help you sleep better at night.
So this is how I recommend that you start losing weight and keep it off if you just can't fit in a full workout at the gym. The important thing is to give this a fair try without giving up. This routine is very simple, but don't use that as an excuse to brush it off and think that you don't need to make time for it everyday. Keep with the squats, the jumping, and your daily walking and you'll see a rapid and permanent change in no time.
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