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3 Things That You Will Need To Change So You Can Lose Weight

     We are told repeatedly by the weight loss industry how easy it is to loss weight. Follow this diet plan, take this pill or buy this piece of exercise equipment and all the fat will vanish in a flash. We spend billions of dollars each year in the hope we will lose weight yet the number of overweight people just keeps increasing. Is weight loss really so simple and if it is why can't we seem to do it?

Somehow we have the notion that losing weight is a short term thing. That if we simply follow this diet or that diet we lose weight then we simply go back to our old habits and everything will be fine. But it is really about making changes for the long term and for this to happen we do need some commitment to make healthy decisions with our eating and exercise routine every day.

Below are 3 things you will need to get in order to get yourself on the weight loss track.

1) Your exercise program - If you have become overweight it is likely that you are under muscled and this is the very heart of your problem. Our modern day lifestyles simply do not have enough activity in them to keep muscles strong and healthy. So our exercise program needs to be made up of mostly strength training exercise. Muscle tissue is where fat is burned for energy and its condition is important if weight is to be lost. You cannot boost your metabolism with toning your muscles and strength training is the only exercise that directly works the muscles.

2) What you eat -If you continue to grab the most convenient food available (which is usually the unhealthiest) you will have difficulty losing weight. You will need to be prepared to spend time planning what and when you will eat. Because that is what it takes to get healthy so you can lose weight. Small meals eaten around every 3 hours each with a portion of protein is what it takes to boost your metabolism. Eating that way does require some time to be spent in preparation so you have your food with you wherever you go during the day.

3) Your lifestyle - You might need to get up earlier to go to the gym for your workout or give some television a miss so you can prepare your food for the next day. You might need to spend less time on activities where you are seated and more time where you can be active.

Many people use their busyness as an excuse to not have time to be healthy or remain overweight...could you one of them? They cram their schedule so full of stuff that they do not have time for their own health. If you are not ready to take responsibility for this it will next to impossible to lose weight and get healthy.

It will be what you do 80 percent of the time that will get you the results you want and need. No single slip up or wrong decision will stop you losing weight as long as you have the other 80 percent as good as you can get it. Keep working till you get this bit right as that is what is going to get you that strong, lean, slim healthy body that you dream of.

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