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Exercise For Your Lower Abdominal Muscles

     When you think fitness, you are bound to picture someone with flat lower abs. Regarded as the aesthetic center of the body, the abdominal region is of vital importance to health and well being. It is important in digestion and stability of the lower back. The abdominal muscles do not work independently because they weave through your torso.. When your abdominal muscles are weak, the muscles of the buttocks (the gluteus maximus) and the back of the thighs (the hamstrings) have to work harder to keep the spine stable.
Abdominal Crunches - Upper Abdominal Muscles.

You begin these exercises for abdominal muscles by laying down on your back. You will then lift up your legs and bend at the knee. Place your feet flat on the floor. Loosely place your hands behind your head, with your elbows facing outwards. Movement: Inhale before you begin. Don't forget to exhale as your slowly lift your head, neck, shoulders, and upper back from the floor. Your chin should not be touching your chest. You should not take your lower back up off the floor. At the top of the movement, contract the abs by keeping the position for a few seconds. Slowly lower yourself back down to the ground inhaling as you do. You can keep repeating this exercise until you are finished.

Bicycle Crunches - Oblique Abdominal Muscles.

To begin, lay flat on your back on the floor and put your hands behind your head as you bend your knees. Lift your knees into the air. Movement: Exhale as you alternately bring your elbows towards the opposite knee while crunching your upper body off of the matt.

You should inhale as you lower your legs back to the original position. Continue this process as required.

Lying Face Down Plank - Lower Abdominal And Lower Back Muscles.

To begin: Get on your hands and knees with your elbows touching the floor directly underneath your shoulders. Your toes should remain on the floor while your legs are extended out as far as they can be. The movement of this exercise is to raise your hips while holding yourself in this 'plank' position with a flat back. These exercises for abdominal muscles are also helpful for the hips and thighs as well. Since it involves so many muscles, it is strenuous in nature.

Slowly, lower you hips back to the starting position. You can do 15-20 reps like this. (You may need to start with 8-10 reps, rather than 15-20).


1. Get a medical evaluation and a complete physician's clearance before beginning a fitness program. When you are over 35, not active for awhile, have high blood pressure, cholesterol, are a smoker, have had chest pains, or shortness of breath, this is extra important.

2. You should eat a healthy and well-balanced diet. Although fad diets look good, they are usually too good to be true.

3. Start your days smart by working out before breakfast. Research has shown that beginning your day with exercise will help you to stick to a fitness regimen.

4. Do not go crazy too soon. Only doing what you can sustain is helped by knowing what you can handle.

5. You should always have a specific goal in mind when starting your regimen. Everybody wants to "lose weight and get in shape". Using these exercises for abdominal fitness, you can actually lose a few inches from your waist in the next 6-8 weeks.

6. Finding an exercise program that fits within your life is key. You should be comfortable with what you do and enjoy it.

7. Keeping your body working hard is something you should strive for! Mix up the routine.

8. It is easier when you find a person to buddy up with who is motivating.

9. Do not skip your warm up and cool down routine.

10. Stop if you have pain in the neck, lower back or abdominal muscles. An improper technique may be the culprit. Learn the right exercise technique from printable exercise charts or consult a certified personal trainer.

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