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Weight Loss Does Not Need to be So Complicated

     Looking to lose that unwanted weight but want to avoid scary weight loss surgeries. Throughout the course of this article I will introduce to you a simple method to lose weight that will not only reduce that unnecessary body weight but give you a energy burst and strengthen your chances for living a long life free from deadly diseases.

It is commonly recognized that 1 out of every 3 Americans is obese. Here we are part of a culture full of research programs and the latest in medical knowledge and yet the common folks have never been so overweight and out of shape.

Looking back there is one ongoing problem in today抯 society. A growing amount of people are eating unhealthy processed foods at a greater amount. Fewer people prepare their foods instead they are buying some processed food items that is reheated in the microwave. Even worse many people have gotten into the habit of consuming fast foods on a daily basis.

Following a poor diet with the consumption of processed foods leads to obesity. You would think that is bad enough but many people instead of learning healthy dieting methods decide to risky surgery to reduce body fat and so often do not change their unhealthy diet lifestyle.

If this sounds like yourself I strongly suggest you start to realize the danger you are creating. I like to inform you to a safe and healthy diet plan known as the Paleo diet. This diet has been an effective weight loss plan since mid 1970抯 and demonstrates foods that the caveman may have ate during his time.

You probably wonder should I eat like a caveman, well the answer is pretty obvious. The caveman was in fantastic shape and had high amounts of energy. Commonly the caveman was active and covered over 12 miles a day and contained more strength than today's man. The caveman relied on his immune system constantly to survive as medicines were non existent. The foods consumed provide nutrients that empower your immune system.

Obesity at this time was unheard of and lack of food was not the reason. There was an abundant food supply during the caveman抯 time that was composed of wild game, fruits and vegetables, and nuts and berries.

My favorite thing is that the caveman was foreign from chronic diseases we see mainstream today. Disease like diabetes, colon cancer and heart disease understood to develop by poor diets filled with processed foods. The Paleo diet plan teaches you the proper way to create healthy meals avoiding harmful preservatives and additives.

Paleo diet meals are familiar dishes like flank steak, chicken breast and pork chops. Vegetables like asparagus, bell peppers and spinach are common. Fruits such as avocado, cantaloupe and grapefruit along with many nuts like pine nuts, chestnuts and sunflower seeds are popular Paleo diet food items.

The importance to the Paleo diet is foods are always fresh never processed. Many additives are not utilized when making Paleo diet meals making the meals healthy, filling and a safe way to lose weight.

Judge for yourself and analyze the Paleo diet meals as there are over 300 delicious fat burning recipes. This is a natural weight loss plan with meals produced of a proportional mix of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The Paleo diet is not a starvation diet but features healthy common foods you will easily enjoy eating.

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