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7 Fastest and Best Way to Lose Belly Fat

     There are many diet plans and exercise programs that teach you how to lose weight fast. Some are easier then others, some works better and some are cheaper. If you want to lose belly fat fast then read on. Below are 7 tips that can help in getting that flat stomach!

1. Cardiovascular exercise means involving in any activities (swimming, jogging, dancing, tennis, etc.) that will raise your heart rate to a level that you have considered working and lose belly fat. At the moment oxygen will supply to your body and burning the calories to reach a losing belly fat stage. Therefore you may need the cardio to lose belly fat and take stress to a tolerable level. The advised cardio workout should be set between 30-50 minutes (depending on individual strength and ability), more than 3 times per week.

2. Eat small meals often throughout day to burn the fat off your stomach fast. Most meals should include protein and vegetables. Eating protein reduces cravings and hunger pangs too. However, don't overdo eating protein; eat until you feel satisfied.

3. As said before, reduction of food consumption will never be a diet program. The consumption of value based food and nutritional food is the proper diet. It means to consume foods that are less in fats and rich in nutrition content. Higher amount of proteins are easily burnt by our body to produce energy rather than fats that are stored in our body.

4. Guess what happens whenever you drink lot of water? If you haven't guessed it, here's the answer - you will feel the need to frequently rush to the washroom.

How does this help you to lose belly fat? Actually it is your body's way of releasing water that it has been retaining for long. You may be surprised to know that the more water you drink, the less of it is retained by the body.

5. To achieve the fitness goal, discipline becomes a very significant attitude that should be followed to ensure and achieve the fitness goal set. In this case, discipline can be divided into 3 categories which are workout抯 discipline, food抯 discipline and drink抯 discipline. If you can really follow accordingly and I guarantee that you can easily touch the wall of the success goal and it will always keep you motivated to continue with your further exercise goals.

6. Make sure to take daily vitamins and minerals. When people first start a high-protein, low carbohydrate diet, the body tends to eliminate excess water weight quickly, which will cause a reduction in vitamins and minerals in the body. Cutting your calorie intake say from 2,200 calories daily to 1,200 calories will surely make a big difference. Just make sure that you're keeping healthy and nutritious food in your daily diet.

7. Exercising early in the morning can be very good. Jog or do brisk walking for 30 minutes to 1 hour everyday before breakfast. If you cannot do this everyday, at least try to do it on most days of the week. However, note that exercising alone may not be completely effective in helping you lose belly fat.

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