As you go about your weight loss program, one factor that will definitely have an influence over how well you progress along is the self-statements that you're saying to yourself.
Many people completely overlook their self-talk which is a big mistake because it can really play a key role in how well they are able to stick with the program and carry it through to success.
If you are constantly berating yourself and thinking that you'll never be able to attain your goals, the chances that this does in fact come true will be that much higher. This will then only push you further and further away from what you really want to accomplish.
Let's go over a few points to remember about positive self-statements.
Increase Your Awareness
The very first thing that you should be doing is to increase your awareness of the negative self-statements that you're using. In many cases we don't even realize that we're talking negatively towards ourselves until we really stop and start paying attention to it.
For just a few days, try and pay more attention to everything that you're telling yourself. It may even help to write these statements down on a piece of paper as getting them down like this proves to you just how real they are.
Replace Every Negative With A Positive
Second, after you have your list of negative self-statements or at least are paying attention to what you're saying to yourself, then you want to start to replace any negative self-statement you make with a positive instead.
By shifting your focus towards the positive like this you'll increase your confidence levels and self-efficacy that you can reach your goals rather than decreasing your confidence and feeling miserable about your situation.
It's very easy to overlook the role the mind plays in realizing your goals but the fact of the matter remains that what you say to yourself on a daily basis is very likely to come true.
Keep The Statements Future Oriented
Another thing to remember is that as much as possible you should aim to keep the statements you're using future oriented. This refers to keeping the statements focused around what you will be doing in the coming weeks.
For instance you might say, 'Tomorrow I'm going to be sure to eat at least six mini-meals a day to keep my hunger under control'.
This then gives you a mission statement to try and accomplish for that day. This could have replaced the self statement of, 'I'm terrible at following diets and can't keep my meals in order no matter how hard I try'.
By changing what you say in this instance, you put your mind in a more positive place and increase the chances that you follow through on what you hope to achieve.
Set Realistic Expectations
Finally, the last thing you must be sure you're doing is setting realistic expectations. Don't use self statements that are too far fetched that you know you won't accomplish. If you do this, you'll just get discouraged if you don't see the results that you're hoping for.
So there you have the key things to keep in mind about your self-statements. By making the shift over to positive self statements you will definitely be moving closer to realizing success.
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