Statistics show that many people add weight at an average of two pounds during the holiday season, probably starting from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day. It seems that dieting and healthy eating also takes a vacation during the holidays! Maybe the reason behind the increase in one's weight during the Yuletide Season is the number of parties he or she is obliged to attend.
Although turning down all party invitations may help a lot in preventing you from gaining weight, this decision will instantly turn you into Mr. Scrooge or the Grinch. You do not want to face the New Year with no more friends just because you are watching your weight.
There are actually many ways in which you can still enjoy the festivities of the season without really sacrificing your resolve to shed off some of your love handles and saddlebags. Here are some of the ways on how you can have a happy and healthy holiday season.
Drink Up
Water plays a vital part in the elimination of toxins and waste deposits in your system. If you drink up, you will not only have good bowel movement and healthy kidneys, but a beautiful and supple skin as well. Another good reason why you need to drink up this season is that water will make you feel full. Before going to a party, drink a glass or two of water so that even if the food is tempting, you won't be able to eat a lot.
Don't Loose Sleep
Experts believe that people who are sleep deprived gain weight in the long run. Thus, try to choose your party commitments well so you don't end up sleeping late. Furthermore, do not party till dawn, especially during weeknights, because you still have to work the following day.
Go Ahead And Talk
Do not be a wallflower, go ahead and find someone you can talk to. Not only will you gain more friends, you will also tend to eat less if you are busy talking with someone. Many people who are tensed or alone in a corner during parties end up staying at the buffet table and devouring their blues away.
Go Easy On The Alcohol
In everything that you do, moderation is the key. It is perfectly all right to drink a glass or two of wine or any alcoholic beverage. However, being totally wasted in a party is a different story. Every time you sip a cocktail or get a bottle of beer, remind yourself of the staggering amount of calories that each alcoholic drink contains.
Don't Give In To Temptation
Fruit cake, eggnog, hot chocolate, candy canes, ginger bread cookies, toffee nut and countless other desserts abound during the holidays. Although 'tis the season to be merry, you really do not have to give in to your sweet cravings to be jolly. If you are faced with a sumptuous buffet, do not dive head on to the carbo-loaded table because carbohydrates will make your blood sugar go haywire, causing you to eat more mindlessly. Instead, start your meal with foods that are rich in fiber and protein to help stabilize the sugar level in your blood.
Maintain Your Exercise Routine
If you have a gym membership, do not waste it by not showing up during the holidays. If you cannot go to the gym, look for activities that will make you sweat such as climbing stairs, walking, or cleaning and decorating your house in preparation for a party. There are also many winter activities that can help you have fun while shedding the pounds. Go ice skating, skiing, snowboarding with your friends and family or better yet, clean up the snow on the driveway yourself.
During the holidays, it is really hard to keep to your diet program. This is the reason why you need to get some diet help, such as supplements and weight-loss aids. One product that is effective in helping people lose weight is Zyroxin. Visit for more information about this product.
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