Here's the secret on how to burn stomach fat and get 6-pack abs. No it isn't complicated ab workouts or exercises or countless hours on the treadmill. The best way to burn stomach fat and get a tight stomach is through proper nutrition, weight training and interval cardio.
The first step is looking at the type of food that you are eating and more importantly the quality of the food that you're eating. The worst thing that you can do for a set of hard abs is to eat sugar or any processed carbohydrates. In just a few short days you can lose a good percentage of body fat by just eliminating fried food, fruits juices, sports drinks and soda as well as fast food.
The next step is to focus on important, proven fat burning training methods like full body workouts and circuits as well as interval training. No one enjoys doing endless crunches that just end up hurting their low back and not their abs, plus slow and long cardio is very ineffective for burning stomach fat and sculpting a lean, tight stomach.
Research from Australia has even shown that the best way to target stubborn belly fat is through interval training. This same research has shown that interval training burns a greater percentage of body fat than slow cardio training.
After you have proper nutrition and are performing full body training circuits and interval training then you can begin to start performing abdominal workouts. Here are some surprising ab facts:
If you are new to ab training the last thing that you should do is jump into crunches and leg raises. Get strong at movements like planks, side planks, dead bugs and birddogs first. These movements will make your ab training so much more effective later on. Plus, these movements will get your back strong and healthy.
Once you've progressed from a beginner to an intermediate then you can start performing more challenging moves like
-Reverse Bent Knee Crunches
-Plank on a stability ball or foam roller, which has been shown to be safer on the back and better on the abs, then a traditional plank
-Stability ball rollouts, which absolutely hits every single ab muscle that you have.
From here you can start training with some unknown ab movements. These movements work multiple muscles but really work the abs hard.
-Barbell Deadlift
-Feet elevated on stability ball push-up
-Hands on stability ball push-up
-Dumbbell pull over
-Lying triceps dumbbell extension
-Front Squat
So the question is now what can you do to really bring out those hard abs? The answer is to train them heavy. My favorite move is weighted stability ball crunches. This move is without a doubt the absolute best way you can really get those abs to show. What everyone needs to realize though is that you can get hard, tight abs without ever doing a single crunch in your life. You just need to focus on proper nutrition, full body exercises and interval training cardio. That's the recipe for success.
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