I feel for you!
You long for fast weight loss, but you don't want to negatively effect your health.
You are caught in a catch 22 and you're certainly not alone?
It seems these days that the only way to experience fast weight loss is by taking diet pills or medications. At least, that is what the weight loss industry has led you to believe. In an effort to make their sales soar they have created the notion that diet pills and other fads are essential if you want to experience fast results. Come to think about it it's a lot like the health industry in this country... the pharmaceutical companies have everyone believing that they need medication to maintain their health... heck, even the doctors have bought into it!
So how is a person to experience the joy of watching those pounds melt away at lightning speed without sacrificing their health on the latest fads?
The answer lies in two "sure-fire " principles that have proven to work wonders for those who are willing to put forth a little effort. And you certainly won't hear me preaching "change your diet".... At least not here and not now. In fact, you don't even have to change much of anything with your current way of living to experience an explosive slim-down if you are willing to take action.
Would losing 10 pounds over the next 7 days be acceptable to you?
Then what you need to focus on is two things. Which, by the way, are two of the most important factors for experiencing a fast, natural slim-down!
The two factors are exercise and eating habits.
But before you run of with the idea that "you've heard all this before"... I assure you that you haven't heard it like this.
Allow me to present these two "old-school" concepts in a way that will decrease the amount of effort you put in and maximize the results you get out. In other words... I will let you in on the secrets that turn the two simple principles of habits and exercise into instant fat burners!
There is one eating habit in particular that you need to apply. It is simply as follows... consuming six small meals spread evenly throughout the day will turn your body into the enemy of all excess fat. Why? Because you were created to graze. Have you ever seen any animal living in the wild that is fat? I haven't seen many! But, I have seen a lot of fat dogs and cats... Could it be because we have tried to pass our "three square meals" a day pattern onto them?
Here is the most important thing about exercise that you need to remember if you desire a super fast slim down... sweating in the morning is optimal. Performing intense, sweat producing exercise in the morning before you eat is optimal for melting the fat off of your body. It's because you have an empty stomach and your body is forced to tap your fat reserves for energy. Just remember, a short, intense workout is far superior to a long, drawn-out, booooooring one!
So there you have it. If you follow these two simply principles of habits and exercise for the next seven days...
you will experience some fantastic results. I have seen many people who have lost 10 pounds or more in about 7 days simply by applying these two simple tips.
Best part... they lost the weight safe!
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