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Discover What Drives Your Eating Decisions

It is hard to believe but scientific research reveals that you make 250 eating decisions each day! You decide whether to have breakfast or not, to have cereal or pancakes, to eat at the table or on the go...And, every one of those decisions is tied to a belief.

You eat breakfast because you believe it is the most important meal of the day. You choose cereal because you believe it is a healthier choice than pancakes. You sit at the kitchen table to eat your cereal because you believe that it is the proper behavior...

So, it works like this...

Step 1: Your beliefs drive your decisions...

Step 2: Your decisions drive your habits and behaviors...

Step 3: Your habits and behaviors give you the results you see...

This is a universal truth, it applies to everyone in every situation.

So here is my questions...

Why do so many of us try to shortcut this truth when we set out to lose weight?

There are some great diet and exercise plans out there, and they work! That is, they work IF you stick with them, but in reality most people don't stick with the plan long enough to see results.


Because they try to skip Step 1, they try to change their habits (i.e. eat in a different way) without addressing their beliefs (i.e. why am I eating this way).


If you give up junk food in order to lose weight but deep down inside you believe junk food helps you cope with stress. How successful do you think you will be?

If you want to lose 50 pounds but deep down inside you believe that weight protects you from something or someone. How successful do you think you will be?

Your beliefs are a big part of something called your Weight Mindset, and if your Weight Mindset is set for higher than your ideal weight, you will struggle to lose weight.

Your Mindset began to form at a very young age and was impacted by things you experienced and how you were treated by influential people such as you parents, siblings, classmates, and teachers. How you interpreted the events and treatment you received as they pertained to food, dieting or weight created your current Weight Mindset.

The habits and behaviors you exhibit today are directly influenced by your Weight Mindset. It is the missing link that determines whether you will successfully shift to a healthier lifestyle or return to your old habits.

So here is the good news! Since you created your Mindset, you can reset it and finally lose ALL of that stubborn weight. To do this you must start paying close attention to how your thoughts and beliefs are influencing your actions and then question those thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back.

If you have found it difficult to make healthy eating decisions then there is something getting in your way. It is called your Weight Mindset and it will determine your success or failure every time, start paying attention to it today.

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