Recently I read a National Center for Health Statistics report on the CDC website that 66% of the U.S. population is overweight and of those 32% are obese. In 1980, 47% of the population was overweight and 15% of the population was obese. This is a staggering increase in a relatively short period.
It is time to wake up and take control of your weight and health. Being overweight carries a high price tag. You are at greater risk for:
· Diabetes
· Heart Disease
· High Blood Pressure
· Cancer
· Stroke
· Sleep Apnea
· Osteoarthritis
· Gall Bladder Disease
· Gout
These are just some of the risks associated with being overweight. If you are obese, you are at even greater risk for serious long-term disease.
It is in your control to lose weight. Do you realize just eating 100 calories more a day than your body requires can lead to a 10-pound weight gain over the course of a year? If you are slowing gaining 10 pounds a year, you do not realize it. If you do not take control of your weight than soon those 10 pounds becomes, 20 pounds, 30 pounds and so on year after year. One extra 100-calorie snack pack really adds up over time.
The good news is cutting back just 100 calories less than your body requires can lead to a 10 pound weight loss over the course of a year. People are always trying to find the magic pill or the get skinny quick diet. As you can see from the above statistics, this is not working so well. We just keep getting heavier year after year.
Some simple steps to lose weight and feel great now are:
1. Focus on what you want. Think of how you will look, feel and act when you are at your ideal weight.
2. Take small baby steps daily to replace unhealthy habits with healthy habits. These small steps add up to big leaps over time.
3. Start to move. Your body is built to move. Seek out activities you enjoy and find ways to be active. Schedule physical activity in your day planner as a non-negotiable event.
4. Put yourself first. If you are not taking care of yourself, you cannot take care and be available for others. We all have but one life to live. It is within your control to be healthy, fit and feel great.
5. Learn to manage your stress. Often we overeat to combat the extreme stress we are under. Learning to manage stress without comfort food will help you lose weight and live a healthier, happier life.
6. Get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily. Studies show that sleep deprivation is linked to weight gain.
Evaluate your lifestyle. Start to be more aware of what you eat, when you eat and why you eat. Then you can create a plan that fits your lifestyle so you can gradually transform your lifestyle in one that supports vibrant health.
This year will pass whether you make any changes or not to your lifestyle. You have the power to decide whether you will be healthier and thinner next year of perhaps be heavier and unhealthier.
As health coaches, we provide tools, support and resources to help our clients achieve their health and wellness goals. We work with our clients to do what they have not been able to do on their own. If you are struggling with your weight, consider a health coach to help guide you through the process.
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