One of the main reasons why a person decides to get a six pack is to look physically better. A six pack abs represents how lean, fit, and healthy a person is. It also shows that a person works hard to lose weight and achieve such physique. Indeed, getting a six pack is an accomplishment. However, it is not as easy as it may sound because it requires a lot of commitment and determination because this abs won’t shape up overnight. This article aims to guide you how to get a six pack without equipment.
Step #1 Know the principle behind it
Six pack abs is actually the ‘rectus abdominis’ muscle. This muscle is located on the anterior part of the abdomen. Abdominal muscles are among the biggest muscles of the body and are hidden when a person becomes overweight or obese. This is because, aside from the muscles, the abdomen is also the home of the largest fat tissues in the body, also known as adipose tissues. That means it is essential to lose those fat tissues first so the muscles will become visible. With this in mind, your six-pack abs plan should include burning the fat deposits first and then tone the specific abdominal muscles.
Step #2 Start with what you eat
The food we eat contains calories that provide our body with energy. However, when these calories are not used up as energy, they get to be converted to reserved energy also known as body fat. So, if you want to lose weight and eventually get a six pack, it is essential to eat low calorie foods. Please do take note that I mentioned “Low-calorie” foods, and not “No-calorie” foods. Some people are to obsess with avoiding calories that they end up skipping meals or eating a very small serving. This should not be the case because the body needs the calories from the food for a constant supply of energy.
Another thing to take care off is to eat low calorie foods that still contain nutrients. For example, you may substitute eating a regular ice cream with a frozen yogurt. Both are great source of calories, but yogurt contains fewer calories than ice cream.
Step #3 Burn the Calories
When you master the art of healthy eating, the next step is to burn that bulging belly fat to give way for six-pack abs. If you are like those people who get bored in a gym, you may try running or biking around the block. These are great cardio exercises that will not only permit you to lose weight but enable you to keep your heart healthy as well.
Step #4 Tone the Muscles
You may do simple and tolerable crunches at home. In case you didn’t know, crunches are different from sit-ups. Crunches are exercises where you slightly lift the upper part of your body with the pressure placed on the muscles of the abdomen, thus it is effective in sculpting the abs. Meanwhile, sit-ups are exercises where you totally lift the upper body with your shoulders almost reaching your knees with pressure coming from the back and neck, thus sit-ups are less effective.
When doing crunches, it is important to breathe in as you bring the upper body up and breathe out when you go back to your starting position. This technique will effectively put pressure to the abdominal muscles.
Continue doing these techniques and soon enough you’ll see and feel that little muscle lumps on your belly. Just be patient, don’t lose your focus, and stay committed and determined to have the six packs permanently.
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