Boot camp trainers often come across people who are very apprehensive about joining a fitness program because they don’t think they’re fit enough to join. Here is a guide to prepare yourself to look and feel your greatest.
Boot Camp Personal Trainer Fitness Tips
1) Stretch. This helps loosen your muscles and improve blood flow. With blood, oxygen also gets to travel more efficiently to all parts of your body and helps you feel fresh and nimble.
2) Walk. Log more time doing chores. Jog to the supermarket.
3) Sleep. Getting adequate sleep will control hormones and prevent abdominal fat gain.
4) Get some sunshine. Vitamin D deficiency can affect fat-related hormonal balances in your body. Most boot camps are held outdoors so that you can get a good natural helping of Vitamin D during your challenging workout.
5) Eat slowly. You’ll find you feel full with less.
6) Cook at home. That way you’re more likely to include healthy veggies in your meal.
Start off with these simple steps, and in no time you’ll be ready to join a boot camp fitness program. Remember that as certified trainers, we’re prepared to help you overcome your apprehension about a challenging boot camp. When you walk in to a fitness center, you need to remember that everybody you see started somewhere. Maybe your own boot camp trainer used to look like unfit, you never know. The point is to not let that intimidate you. Your fitness trainer is like a partner in your fitness quest. Remember, CHANGE is the keyword here. Change isn’t always easy, but it can be really good. Also, sit down with your boot camptrainer to see how often you can change your exercise routine. Your body gets used to following one routine and probably won’t show the results you’re looking for. Your body burns less fat then, which is NOT your goal.
Getting into a physical comfort zone is detrimental to fat loss. Your comfort zone is what gets your body to let go in the first place, so it’s going to take getting out of your comfort zone to get into shape. Doing high intensity, interval workouts will seem slightly uncomfortable at first, but that is what triggers your body into fat-burning mode. Boot camp workouts are designed to help your body burn off fat FAST.
Most help you keep a journal of everything you’re doing with your diet and exercise to help you analyze how your body responds to your health choices and help you stay positive about your fitness plan.
When your boot camp trainer talks about staying positive, it’s not just about your fitness plan; it’s also about your body’s response to stress. Stress causes your body to release cortisol, a hormone that helps store fat in the abdominal area. When you put your health and fitness goals into the hands of a fitness boot camp, your trust is rewarded with fitness levels that will change your life for the better.
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