You have always been so consistent over the years and still you would want to get rid of tummy fat.Who else could have wanted such a tummy fat?No one in this world, that’s for sure.
Here comes the cycle of weight loss and gain: When you weighed yourself, you were happy you lost 5 pounds and then Christmas came, parties and gatherings anywhere, you ate whatever you want, you indulged yourself into sweets and drank lots of soft drinks. The holiday may even tell you to say YES to beer drinking with long time friends; with so much drinking sessions you attended, when you woke up, you just felt so bloating and heavy. Another cycle will tell you, if you eat as many calories equal to the amount you burn, your body weight will remain the same. If you take more calories than what your body can burn, you will gain weight.So, you will definitely lose weight when you burn more calories than the amount of calories you take.
True to the saying, anything in excess is bad.This is a sad truth but people don't care at all with what they eat as long as it is delicious.They feed themselves so much without knowing how much calories, fats and sugar they are putting into their body. Some people are lucky to be blessed with a beautiful body, that even overeating, it makes no changes. However, almost all people are getting problems on their tummy fat including you. You are conscious wearing body fit tops and would want to cover them up with their bags.You often choose stretchable clothes to fit in your body and to cover those unhealthy fats. Because of that tummy fat, you can be insecure and depressed. Now you are having problems dealing with it, whose fault is this? Your eating habits or your personal cravings? What do you want to do, put the blame on yourself or do something to get rid of tummy fat?
1)Reduce total amount of calories in the body
The calories we get from food is actually an energy from it that is released. Sometimes, we care less when we eat, but this time you need to determine the amount of calories you eat and how much you burn, whether it's less or more.Burning calories may include:
• Running (jogging)
• Tread milling
• Aerobics
• Swimming
• Walking
2)Lessen beer drinking
Beer belly is what we need to avoid here.More so, we all know that beer is bad for our health but we cannot even give one reason why, so here are some necessary reasons for you to know:
• Beer has high calorie content without containing essential nutrients.
• Fatty liver can occur when drinking too much beer.
• Beer belly and bloating are two consequences of beer drinking especially when it is usually done almost everyday.
3)Avoid sweets in the diet
Foods with so much sugar content are to be prevented.Rich sugar is found commonly in cakes, chocolates, candy bars, etc. but they are the one being craved for by many. It is also to be noted that the sugar found in junk foods and soda burns quickly, unlike those sugars found in fruits and vegetables, which burn more slowly.
The body processes sugar for energy and when your body is sedentary and you are not giving time to burn those sugars, then what happens is that sugars can be converted into fats which then accumulates in the tummy.
4) Go for a gym
A lot of people have proven effective that going to gym is a real help for losing weight.If you specifically want to lose tummy fat, you need to have an abs program.Together with that, you need to work out with your back, shoulders, and arms. As you do the workouts (abs program + total body workout) with the goal of losing weight and losing tummy fat, do it consistently.
5)Have some regular exercise
Regular exercise should not also be disregarded because it is a great way of getting rid of tummy fat and it can really lose weight. Ideally, these exercises are greatly done early in the morning, 1 hour before breakfast. More so, going for a vacation will not stop you from exercising. Walking while doing some shopping is one best way for exercise. Sometimes, when we are in a vacation, we cannot just resist to eating more than normal but it can be compensated when you will have long walks again after eating. Walking or any other form of regular exercises can really help you burn fats and eventually decrease tummy fat.
There are times that eating has become a compensation over stress and depression because of work or love. But, one should remember that you can gain weight, have a high blood pressure and would have an increase risk of heart diseases when you eat more than normal without burning some of those.Eating is not at all a sin; you can eat and treat yourself with foods but do not do it often as you eat beyond normal. So starting today, when you feel you are getting fatter each day, go over the ways to get rid of tummy fat and work hard to burn it. It is always a choice to lose weight so when you want to lose some pounds, eat less and burn more but if you want to gain weight, eat more.
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