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The Most Effective Way To Lose Weight

The most effective way to lose weight is to change the habits that are causing you to be over weight. Sounds pretty easy right? Well it's easier said then done. In this article I want to discuss some of the habits that contribute to weight gain and how you can go about changing them into habits that will contribute to weight loss instead.


One of the most common habits that lead to unwanted weight gain is overeating. Many people don't even realize that they're doing this. They're simply eating the same amount of food that they always have. The problem is that they aren't as active as they used to be. Yet it's not until they see a picture of themselves that they realize they've gained weight. For others overeating is emotional, they eat because they are sad, stressed or angry. Whatever the case eating more food then you need will cause you to gain weight.

How To Fix It

So how do we correct this issue of overeating? Realizing what the problem is is half the battle, so already you're half way home! The most effective way to lose weight in this situation is to reduce the amount of food you are eating. A great way to do this is to eat several meals a day instead of two or three.

Eating smaller meals more frequently will allow your body to digest the food you eat more efficiently giving you more energy and improving mental function. You'll also be less likely to overeat when your meals are closer together. Many of us are so busy that we often go six or more hours between each meal. No wonder we over eat at dinner!

This sounds simple but it will take some work to make it a habit. Chances are you were eating the way you were because it was convenient, it fit your busy life. Realize that your busy life isn't going to change, just your approach to how you eat.

Try eating every 2 hours. If you need a reminder try setting an alarm on your cell phone to remind you. Once you get consistent at eating your smaller meals during certain times of the day you'll start to form a healthy eating habit. Make sure you stay at it long enough for this new routine to become a habit. Don't give in to your old routine. If you feel yourself wanting to give up, remind yourself why you're attempting to change this habit in the first place.

Lack Of Physical Activity

Another habit that many people adopt as they get older is inactivity. After high school physical activity decreases drastically, but how many of us adjust our caloric intake? I have a few friends that still eat like they're in high school and it shows.

How To Fix It

If you're not very active throughout the day then you need to eat accordingly. Food is energy, if you're not using energy then you don't need as much food, plain and simple.

An even better way to fix this lack of physical activity is to start exercising. The benefits of exercise are many and current research on the subject is showing new benefits to regular exercise each day.

Exercising is probably the most effective way to lose weight because it allows you to burn additional calories and improve your health at the same time. This doesn't mean that you don't have to change your overeating habit. You want to do both for the best results.

Start adding exercise to your day a little at a time. If you try to commit to too much too soon you'll most likely get burned out and quit. Try doing a short walk after dinner each night. After you've successfully made your nightly walk a consistent habit, increase the duration of your walk or make one night a jogging night. However you go about it, it's important that you continue to increase the intensity of your workouts.

Making Your New Habit Stick

The most important part of creating new habits and doing away with bad habits is consistency. If you're not consistently reinforcing these good habits they'll never stick. Your bad habits will never be eliminated if you allow yourself to revert back to them.

In summary the most effective way to lose weight is to combine a healthy diet and daily physical activity. If you're current habits are preventing your from doing these then it's time to make some changes!

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