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Workouts To Lose Stomach Fat Fast

What are the best workouts to lose stomach fat fast? The answer to this question is unfortunately not as simple as you might think. Doing abdominal exercises alone will NOT be enough for you to lose the excess pounds around your belly.

To successfully lose your stomach fat, it will be best for you to formulate a four part plan of action, such as this:

1.Warm up methods
2. Cardio workout
3. Exercise routines
4. Nutrition

And here's some great news: when most people start to lose weight, they begin to lose it around their midsection first!

Here are some of the things I have found most effective:

The Best Cardio Exercise

During my research I found that Interval Training.....doing low power cardio sets followed by high power sets.....has proven very effective for burning fat. It shows better results than when you do a slow paced cardio for 30 minutes or more, daily.

Strength Training

An interval based cardio routine is still not enough on it’s own to help you get rid of your stomach fat. You will also want to factor a structured strength based, weight training section into your overall plan. The reason for this is simple.....because there is more muscle now, your body's metabolism becomes faster and burns more calories.

As with the high intensity cardio exercises, the best results will come from high intensity weight training. A program of fewer reps with higher weights will not only give you results far more quickly, it will also cut down the time you spend doing your fat loss workout.

Whilst it is true that ab exercises will strengthen and define your abs, to be able to actually SEE them you need to get rid of the fat that is covering them. To achieve this and to lose your belly fat fast, it will be best for you to combine high intensity interval and weight training sets involving your bigger muscle groups, further assisting your fat loss goals. This will increase the hormone levels of your body resulting in an increase to your metabolic rate.

Eat More (Often) And Lose Weight

It’s true! You will more easily lose weight if you start the practice of eating five or six smaller - and healthier - meals, rather than three large portions a day. Another gem I found was that by eating more slowly, you realize more quickly when you are full. Why? It takes a while for the food to reach your stomach so the slower you eat the more time your stomach has to tell you it’s full.

Additionally it would best to avoid all fast food and any food that has been
processed. Instead, for protein you should stick to leaner meats such as fish, chicken, turkey and egg whites. Your carbs should mostly be high fiber options like oats, brown rice and fruit.

A well balanced diet should also include some of the essential fats your body needs such as avocados, nuts and olive oil.

I hope you have found this information as useful and effective as I have and I wish you every success in attaining your weight loss goals.

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