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Increased Fat Loss from Workouts

Would you like increased fat loss from your workouts? I'm sure that caught your attention and that is why you are reading this. Most people want to lose weight and be more fit.

This is from an article by Rob Poulos who was able to lose 42 pounds of unwanted fat (and keep it off for the past 3 years) without doing ANY (none, zilch, zero) cardio and minimal exercise.

He did use a very specific style of resistance training that should help you if you’re pressed for time and still want to lose fat.

Rob says in his article, "Properly conducted resistance training can give you startling fat loss results, along with muscle and strength gains. On top of that, when using the techniques I describe in the Fat Burning Furnace eBook, you'll also receive "top drawer" cardiovascular health benefits. And all from 2-3 workouts each week lasting just 15-20 minutes on average."

As Rob relates in his article, you have to do the exercises right and most people do not. He says, "Take the dumbbell curl exercise for the biceps for example. In this movement, you begin with the weight down at your sides. You proceed to smoothly and slowly curl the dumbbells up to your shoulders. This movement trains your positive strength level. You should then pause briefly and contract your biceps at the top of the movement. This trains your static strength level."

Be sure to lower the dumbbells slowly back to the starting position to train your negative strength level. By not paying attention to the static or negative strength levels, people are only getting one third of the benefits for this exercise. Strength leads to muscle growth, that leads to faster resting metabolism, and that leads to faster fat loss.

This is just one of the ideas Rob has for helping people lose weight. Another of his ideas is to eat more broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower, because these vegetables will help you burn fat. They are especially good at helping you burn that abdominal fat that everyone wants to get rid of. Eating the right foods is an important part in helping you reach your goals with weight loss or maintenance. Once you get it off, you want to keep it off. You also need to be sure you are teaching your children the right food and exercise values. The right habits will affect them for a lifetime.

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