There are endless options of delicious fruit to choose from. Fruits should be a part of any healthy diet as they provide many vitamins and nutrients that our bodies require to stay healthy. One nutritious fruit, in particular, is the nectarine.
Nectarines are similar to peaches and are plentiful in the warmer months. Nectarines are considered stone fruits because they contain a large seed, or pit, at their core. Nectarines, along with other stone fruits, grow on trees. They are juicy and can be enjoyed after a quick wash. Let’s explore the nectarine’s nutritional content as well as the possible benefits they can offer.
Nectarines are low in calories making them a great option for a weight-conscious individual. Nectarines don’t contain any saturated fats and instead offer antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, so they won’t ruin your diet.
Nectarines contain vitamin A, B, C, zeaxanthin, lutein, iron, zinc, copper and potassium. All of these vitamins and minerals have been shown to support overall good health. With their nutritional content in mind, let’s explore their health benefits.
Nectarine Nutrition Facts Nutrient Value for per 100 g Nutrients Energy44 Kcal Carbohydrates10.55 gWeight loss: Because nectarines do not contain saturated fat and are low in calories they can aid in weight loss. As a healthy snack option, nectarines can keep you full and satisfied.
Antioxidants: Nectarines contain many antioxidants to fight off free radical damage. Free radicals can affect many parts of the body, including vision, skin and hearing. A reduction in free radicals can ensure for better health.
Vision: Nectarines contain the essential nutrients to promote eye health. Enjoying nectarines daily can ensure proper vision health.
Prevention of hypokalemia: Hypokalemia is a disorder characterized by low potassium. Potassium is needed in the body to balance our salt (which is linked to hypertension). Many Americans do not consume enough potassium, so if you’re looking for another source of potassium – besides bananas – opt for nectarines.
Heart health: The heart is a vital organ to the human body. Aside from exercising, a healthy diet has been shown to protect the heart. Incorporating nectarines into your diet can promote heart health. Because nectarines also contain fiber they can help promote healthy cholesterol levels as well.
Immune system: The immune system is our number one defense against illness. The older we become, the weaker our immune system can get, making it harder to ward off illness. Nectarines contain the essential vitamins to boost our immune system, which helps us stay healthy.
Skin: As mentioned, antioxidants work to fight off free radicals, even those that can affect our skin. Because our skin is constantly being exposed to the elements, damage can occur making it look older. By eating nectarines we consume the antioxidants that work to keep our skin looking and feeling younger.
Digestion: Digestive problems are quite common among the elderly. Constipation and diarrhea are frequent complaints. Nectarines can assist in healthy digestion as they contain dietary fiber.
As you can see there is a wide variety of health benefits that nectarines offer. As a regular food item in your diet, you too, can reap the benefits of nectarines.
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