Many diet pills and other weight loss products these days contain green tea extract or green as one of their ingredients. There is also a lot of discussion in the media about using green tea for weight loss. One benefit is that this is a natural product, so in and of itself is far less likely to produce harmful side effects than diet pills and other questionable weight loss products. So how does green tea help you to lose weight?
Food, which includes fat and sugar, gets synthesized into triglyceride in the small intestine and liver. This is then carried throughout the bloodstream and to the other tissues of the body. The substance triglyceride is a vital energy source for sustaining physical activity and life support, therefore it is quite necessary. However, when there are excessive amounts of triglyceride it gets turned into fat. This can result in being overweight or obese.
This is where green tea for weight loss comes into play. Green tea contains a high amount of polyphenols. The polyphenols activate the enzyme that dissolves excessive levels of triglyceride. What this basically means is that green tea is effective in helping your body to burn fat.
The antioxidants present in green tea called catechin polyphenols provide many of green tea’s health benefits, including stimulating your body’s metabolism and helping to accelerate weight loss. Epigallocatcehin gallate (EGCG) in particular is very effective at doing this.
The EGCG and caffeine that is in green tea helps to stimulate your body’s central nervous system and results in fat being related into your body’s blood stream that your body can use for fuel. The process of using fat for energy is referred to as thermogenesis. It helps to provide you with extra energy and burn body fat, which is why you hear so much about green tea and weight loss.
This is a guest post from Liz W. at
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