If you are having some weight problems then you must be struggling with saddle bags. That’s the fat build up on the upper portion of the hips and it sure does not look good. They are called saddlebags because they look like those bags that are worn on the side of horses when someone rides on them. They are bulky and they look clumsy. I am sure that it is part of your fitness aim to get rid of saddlebags. Let me tell you now that it would not be an easy thing. It would take a great amount of determination and discipline on your part to get rid of fat on your thoughts. It’s all going to be worth it though. Just think of how you do not need to be embarrassed anymore when you are going and you could even start wearing shorts again.
Getting rid of saddlebags is done in connection with getting rid of fat in the other parts of the body. You should engage in some form of diet and watch the amount of your calorie intake to ensure that you will not be adding to the amount of fat in your body. Stay away from sugar as much as possible and only consume when it is absolutely necessary.
Exercise is also important. While you should engage in more cardiovascular exercises you have to ensure that you target the fat stored in your thighs. This can be done by doing squats and lots of them. Take your time everyday to do it.
Exercising can also be done when even when you are not in the gym and you are just doing ordinary everyday things. Also try to read reviews of certain exercise programs, such as the truth about abs review. Take every opportunity that you can to try and walk. Instead of riding on a car or a bus why not walk it to your walk. This will ensure that your legs gets a great work out.
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