You may not know it, but there are two types of vitamins: fat soluble vitamins which are vitamins A D E K and water soluble vitamins, which are all of the other vitamins. Your body needs both of these. Water soluble vitamins dissolve in water, and the other vitamins, fat soluble vitamins, dissolve in fat.
This post is about the benefits and sources of the fat soluble vitamins, the A D E K group, including the D3 Vitamin Benefits.
Fat soluble vitamins of the A D E K group can be stored in fat for a few days to up to six month. This means that too high an intake can lead to toxicity, so be careful. Conversely, storage can mean you don't need these vitamins every day.
Vitamin A Sources and Benefits Good for the eyes, and keeps the skin and mucous membranes moist. Prevents cellular and tissue damage as it is an anti-oxidant. Found in beef liver, egg yolk, cheddar cheese and fortified milk. Found as beta-carotene, which the body converts to A, in sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, cantaloupe, apricots, (note the orange colors), broccoli, spinach and collard greens.
D2 and D3 Vitamin Benefits and Sources The human body benefits from and needs both D2 and D3 Vitamins. D2 and D3 Vitamin benefits include increased dieting success and better absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. Because of D3 vitamin benefits calcium absorption, it also benefits the bones and teeth, and helps prevent osteoporosis. There are also recent reports in vitamin D helping to prevent Parkinson's disease; D3 vitamin benefits the brain as well.The main source of De3 Vitamins is via exposure of the skin to the sun. Our skin engages in photosynthesis to produce D3 Vitamins. We should ideally get about 10-15 minutes of non-sunscreen protected sun exposure twice a week to obtain maximum D3 vitamin benefits. D2 is found in milk and other dairy products. Vitamin E Sources and Benefits
Youthful skin is a benefit of vitamin E. Recent reports also show that dementia may be prevented by vitamin E. Vitamin E, like vitamin A, is an anti-oxidant. Other benefits of vitamin E are to treat or prevent menstrual pain, low sperm count, eye irritation, cataracts, relief from muscle cramping, brain diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, cardiovascular disease and prostate and breast cancer. Vitamin E is found in high levels in cod liver oil, and also found in other oily fishes, such as salmon, mackerel and sardines. Non-fish sources include nuts such as almonds and sunflower seeds, safflower oil, sunflower oil and hazelnuts. In short, vitamin E is found in the oily fish and the oily nuts.
Sources and Benefits of Vitamin K Great for the pancreas, blood and bones. Japanese researchers have found that K deficiency results in symptoms similar to diabetes. The best sources include collard greens, swiss chard and spinach. The next best sources are broccolli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage, with olive oil, asparagus, okra, green beans and lentils next.
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