I don't know about you, but it feels like the whole year has gotten off to a very late start. For example, traditionally on St. Patrick's Day we are supposed to plant peas around here, and my garden, as of this writing, is still covered by a good six inches of hard packed, ice-ridden snow.
New Year's fitness goals have been foiled by icy roads and bitter cold, and good intentions to eat well lose their appeal when the supermarket's produce section is piled with half-dead remnant food that looks as tired as I feel.
Although, the birds are chirping as if it will soon be spring, so I thought I'd create a new list of resolutions that are spring focused. Here's a sampling:
- I am determined to plant peas and get a proper harvest from them this year, even if it means I finally have to just get ugly trellising and do it the old-fashioned way. Peas have been my nemesis and my one true garden desire. I'm talking about the fat shelling peas that don't even make it into the kitchen because they are so delicious raw. I can't plant enough of them, and they never seem to climb properly, which gets me frustrated and angry. Even pea shoots are now a family favorite. This year, I'm going all out: I'm going to plant multiple rows, get the proper climbing materials for them, and plant extras just for the shoots.
- I am going to plant lots of lettuce, even though I've never been that good at it. And I'll plant in succession. I'm so tired of the store-bought stuff. Some people dream of fancy cars or shoes or jewelry; I dream of a delicious salad fresh from the garden. With wild violets!
- I am going to clean out everything...EVERYTHING! I am going to empty every room--even the garage--and scrub, shine, clear out, and simplify. My goal is to make my life so organized that I can squeeze every ounce of pleasure out of the good weather that I know--just know--will one day arrive.
- I am going to love my body as it is, and then exercise as a form of play. That means lots of leisurely runs and bike rides. Dance parties in the house! Yoga for fun. Lifting weights just because it feels so good, not because I don't like what I see when I look in the mirror, because actually, I do love my body, even my winter-ravaged body. As I said to my little daughter the other day...I'm not fat, I'm VOLUPTUOUS.
- I am determined to have FUN! I already have some incredible concert tickets in my possession (BRUCE! Avett Brothers! Keith Urban!). And a few fun trips planned. I'm going to test my theory that the world is easier to save by focusing on the positive than on the negative. Let's try it!
For more from Maria Rodale, visit www.mariasfarmcountrykitchen.com
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