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The Best Time To Workout? Morning!

couple exercising outsideHere’s a question for you: Would you ever consider waking up an hour early every day just to hit the gym? Assuming that your answer was a resounding, “No way!” here’s another question: What if we told you that working out in the morning can help you lose weight faster? If your answer went from “no” to “yes,” then you’ll definitely want to check out these three reasons why working out in the morning is actually better for you.

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1. Burns more fat

According to a 2013 study conducted by the British Journal of Nutrition, people who exercised in the morning on an empty stomach burned up to 20 percent more body fat. Not bad, huh?

2. Speeds up your metabolism

Working out early in the morning can speed up your metabolism, which helps your body burn more calories. The more calories you burn, the more weight you’ll lose!

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3. Boosts your mood

When you exercise, your brain releases chemicals called endorphins, which help block feelings of pain and make you feel good. In fact, people who exercise regularly are less likely to experience depression. Due to the amount of endorphins released in the brain during exercise, the person experiences a sudden feeling of euphoria. That’s what the term “runner’s high” refers to.

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