The prickly pear has a slew of health and beauty benefits. Its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties are just the beginning of the many amazing benefits. Its key components are magnesium, amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins C and B, beta carotene, iron, calcium and potassium just to name a few. This strange fruit baring cactus offers up its flowers, stems, leaves and fruits as edible parts. Many have found that it tastes great eaten raw, boiled and grilled. Here are some of the best benefits of the prickly pear:
Trying to lose weight? Well eat up! The prickly pear is full of fiber and will keep an empty stomach feeling full while feeding your body many of its needed nutrients.
That same fiber that keeps you feeling full will also help to keep your bowels regulated.
The juice of the prickly pear contains many anti-inflammatory agents that reduce the induction of the hangover effect. Now isn’t that nice, you can drink up and not worry about nausea and headaches!
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