(photo by z. wolfe (Men’s Health)
After the urging of his doctor, rapper Rick Ross changed his diet and exercise and saved his life by losing 75 lbs and adopting a healthier lifestyle.
In fact, after suffering two seizures in less than 24 hours in 2011, the Bawse found himself sitting in the waiting room of a very expensive doctor’s office. “I was the only black dude, and the rest was 55- to 80-year-old white males sitting in the room,” he says. “It was all silence and we all was kind of just looking at each other, like, What the fuck he here for?”
Ross watched as elderly Caucasian male after elderly Caucasian male was called by the nurse. Finally, it was his turn. The doctor broke it down for him. “He told me I didn’t have high blood pressure but I was hypertensive, which is a phase under having high blood pressure. And that’s when I said right then, ‘Yo, what’s my biggest enemy?’”
The doctor checked his chart. “Right now, for you, based on everything you wrote down: sodas.” Soda, wasn’t the only thing, but it was started point that Ross remembers.
The 40-year-old rapper who once tipped the scale at 350 pounds, has dropped down to right around 200 pounds after his 100 pound weight loss in 2014.
MUST SEE: Rick Ross Discusses Loses 100 Pounds To Start
Ross discussed his weight loss plan of attack and routine in the new issue of Men’s Health magazine revealing that he’s not only lighter in weight, he feels good about life. “I’m happy,” Ross told the magazine. “I’m still losing weight, and now I’m starting to build hard muscle in places.”
In order to drop the weight, instead of going for a fad diet or cleanse to drop the weight fast, he chose a slower, more lasting route. Besides exercising with friends, and creating a personal version of Cross Fit (a.k.a. “Ross Fit”), which he does four days a week, the Maybach Music Group boss works with a personal chef, and doesn’t deprive himself of guilty pleasures.
(Photo courtesy of Rick Ross Instagram)
These days, Ross is all about portion control. He’s only allowed to indulge in eateries like Wingstop and Checkers one or twice a week, and between the hours of noon and 5 p.m.
“If I quit all the things I loved cold turkey, I knew it would only be so long before I went back to my old ways,” he explained.
The kind of seizures like how Ross had, spells during which normal brain activity is interrupted and involuntary muscle spasms are common, can be caused by alcohol. Alcohol can cause seizures in a variety of different ways; binge drinking, alcohol withdrawals and averse reactions to drink ingredients can all put you at increased risk for a seizure. Seizures…
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