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Fat – The Misconceptions About the “Good” Fat

The Misleading Factor About Fat

Over the last thirty years, food nutritionists and the food industry as a whole have embraced the idea of reducing our fat intake. This was a direct result of the information published by the government that encouraged less egg consumption because of the cholesterol found in eggs.

After that particular piece of information, doctors began to discover that when we consume fat, we have higher incidences of cholesterol problems. Fat must be bad for you logical conclusion.

Fat – The Misconceptions About the “Good” Fat

Removing Fat From Food

And so, whole generation as grew up with fat free foods. The entire generation grew up believing that fat was what made us fat, clogged our arteries, and generally caused health disorders.

Now, what many of you do not realize is that fat flavors our foods. So, when you remove the fat means you remove much of the good taste. So what did we do? We turned to carbs to make up for the loss in taste in the food.

When the fat is removed, the taste must be artificially injected into the food. The final result is a high carbohydrate and low in fat food. Hence, all the wonderful label displaying the claim of “fat free” but neglect to mention the higher level of carbohydrates.

Now, we have a whole food industry formed around low or no fat food choices. These companies have large amounts of money invested in the production of these type of foods and is not going to be able or willing to turn around on a dime.

The Truth about Fat

It’s because of heavy investment that current knowledge about the “good” fat has been suppressed as long as it has. It is a very expensive piece of knowledge that is being passed on to the public today. So expensive, that some companies would be out of business were they to try and reverse their food processing.

High Carbohydrate Foods

So what is the trade off for high carbohydrate foods? Well, part of the trade off is that carbohydrates turn into sugar fast during the digestive procedure. What happens when sugar levels become too high too fast?

The number one bad effect would be Diabetes. Others can include insulin associated problems with the pancreas, and hyperactivity in young and old. Diabetes has been on the rise for the last twenty-five years, and can probably be traced directly to our increased level of carbohydrate intake.

When you combine the fact that food lobbyists and pharmaceutical lobbyists are two of the largest lobby groups in existence, it is astonishment that this news ever made it to the general public.

But it has, and it will continue to be a source of research and concern as many of the baby boomers continue to age and experience health problems thanks to the high levels of carbohydrate consumption.

Low levels of fat were not the answer many thought it to be. As it turns out, we would have been much better off to leave our food as it was, and spent billions of dollars in the exercise industry. Now, there is an area that would have benefited all of the population, more exercise.

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