Multitudes of weight loss pills are currently available in the market of which while some are effective in reducing weight, most are actually useless in this endeavor and are at times susceptible to causing harm to the organs of the body. The US FDA or the Food and Drugs Administration is at the helm of affairs in such cases and the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Approval is responsible for examining the content and functions of these weight loss pills before allowing them for sale in the market to be used by the consumers. Among the various weight loss pills that are available in the market, phentermine is also a prominent example. The phentermine weight loss pills aid in the loss of excess body weight by working upon the nervous system and controlling the various chemical components in the brain thus resulting in suppression of hunger and reduction of appetite leading to weight loss.
It was in 1959 that phentermine was first recognized by scientists and it was in the 1970s that the product came into being Phentermine belongs to the phenethylamine and amphetamine class. However, as is suggested in case of all the weight loss pills, phentermine can definitely be successful in causing weight loss only if it a regular exercising regimen and certain restrictions are followed along with the consumption of this weight loss pill. The phentermine weight loss pill suppresses hunger by following the same patterns as exercised by the other hunger suppressants and then the neurotransmitters send signals to the brain to ensure that hunger is suppressed. However, it is necessary to point out that the FDA has restricted its usage among patients who are allergic to this drug or to any other drug having a similar composition as it can harm their organs and also its usage is restricted among pregnant women and patients suffering form high blood pressure as well. Phentermine is also examined to be susceptible to causing pneumonia and it can also lead to increased blood pressure and nervousness. Some other side effects of phentermine include diarrhea, blurred vision, dry mouth, headache, nausea, stomach aches, vomiting etc. in case of a phentermine overdose, the results can be dangerous. Convulsions are common in such cases followed by mental depression at times and fever and can also lead one to hallucinate. It has also been revealed that about 30% of the people who consumed this weight loss pill was diagnosed having an abnormal valve and it has also known that phentermine is highly addictive.
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