It's amazing how one little innocent glass of Chardonnay or Shiraz can do so much damage to your waistline but it can if you don't take care. A small 125ml glass of wine contains around 100 calories - the equivalent of over 10 pounds of pure body fat being added to your body if you have one every day for a year.
Wine won't fill you up and it may even increase your appetite and lower your inhibitions so that you end up eating more than is good for you. Many people find that after a glass or two all caution goes to the wind.
If you do like a glass of wine with dinner then you need to make sure that you only have one and that you eat less or (preferably) exercise more to make up for those extra calories. When you find out you have to jog for an extra 12 -15 minutes a day to make up for each glass you might think twice.
As a compromise you may like to
And if you have friends round to share the bottle, remember champagne is no more calories than other wines, yet it's hard to feel that you're deprived and "on a diet" when you have a glass.
Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small
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